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It's been a couple of months since dealing with that ass clown at the clubhouse. 

Since then a lot has happened. One was my busy overloaded schedule where I hardly got any time off or to eat lunch. was halved since the one that was training had fully started and taken half my clients.

With the news of my pregnancy, I wasn't mad that half my clients or potential clients were taken. I was actually relieved. cause to much stress and overworking wouldn't be grand for my pregnancy.

When I shared the news with Angel that we are finally having the baby that we longed to have. he was stoked. he rushed inside the clubhouse and yelled " I'm gonna be a father"  before coming back out. jumping off the steps and wrapping me up in his arms as he kissed my whole face.

When we eventually went inside the guys all congratulated me and wished me luck.

Now here I am Two full months and I've been experiencing sickness. I'd say morning but it's not always occur in the morning. I've been dealing with hormones, sensitive nipples, & the mega nose.

the other day Angel was coking something and my mega nose got a whiff and I hightailed it to the bathroom and emptied my already empty stomach.

Angel stopped what he was doing and he came to my aid helping me any way he could before he went and got rid of whatever food he was cooking.

THe funny thing about the mega sniffer of mine is that it does more then smell horrid food. i can smell horid scents, like heavy colonge, beer, sex, or nasty coohie. which I really can do without the last. but it is what it is I suppose.

When I brought it up to my doctor she told me that the mega sniffer detects different things very strongly.

So now here I am in the club house with my nose covered cause someone breaks of fucked up coohie.

"whats wrong with you?" Hank asked

"Somone smells like horrid pussy" I replied as I plugged my nose

He busted out laughing along with Taza,Gilly, and Ez

"glad you all find this shit funny" I say 

"its your voice change that's funny" Coco says

"Well if I move my hand from my nose then I will be smelling some dead fish mixed with sewer. and I really don't wanna be barfing up the food that I managed to keep down" I replied

when I described the scent they made disgusted faces.

"Qué pasa mami?" Angel asked

"she says someone's pussy smells like fish and sewer," Ez tells him

Angel made a disgusted face like the others before he grabbed my hand and lead me outside.

"now you should be good" he says

I let my nose go and breathed in the fresh southern Cally air.

"much better" I replied

He pulled me close to him and started loving on me as he rubbed my stomach then took and sat with me on the loveseat.

he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close keeping his hand on my stomach.

"cómo crees que serán?" he asked

"you. having a heart of gold, loving endlessly, and being a sarcastic little shit" I replied as I looked at him.

He scuffed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm not that bad" he says

I brushed my nose along his beared cheek while giggling.

"I love how you are. and I'd not change you for nothing in this world" I tell him as I pulled back and looked fully at him.

"yea?" he asked

"you'd not be Angel if you was acting a different way than sarcastic and loving" I tell him

" well when you put it that way then its not bad at all" he says

Nothing more needed to be said as we sat there enjoying each others company.


Qué pasa mami?- whats wrong mami

cómo crees que serán?- what do you think they will be like

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