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Having lunch at Felipe's house was entertaining. you had Angel and Ez being typical Reyes brothers while Felipe and I were just shaking our heads and laughing at them being rowdy.

"you think pequeño will be like these two. of more like you?" Felipe asked

"This baby will be like her momma" Angel says as he walked over having shoved Ez off him to come and give me a few kisses before doing the same to my stomach.

"you guys said you don't know the gender that its gonna be a surprise" Ez says as he came over to join the rest of us.

"Trust me Ez she's carrying my daughter" Angel says as he took his black cap off and sat it down.

I took it and put it on backwards.

"no you cant have that. you've taken my hoodies and shirts. so you cant take my cap" he says reaching for it.

I playfully bit at him.

He laughed while Ez and Felipe just watched us to.

"you wanna bit... cause I bite back and you know I do" he says

I say nothing just smile and wink.

"give me my hat" he says as he went to reach for it but I grabbed his hand and held it.

"you'll get it back later. its keeping my hair from my eyes." I tell him

"why didn't you grab a scrunchie or pins?" he asked

"pregnancy brain makes me forget a grand majority of things," I tell him

"fine but I will get it back," he says

After sitting outside for a bit longer we all headed inside where Ez and Felipe made a light simple lunch since it was too hot to cook anything.

while they were in the kitchen. Angel and I were being hormonal teenagers and making out on the couch. the only difference is I wasn't moaning like I was about to climax in my panties.

"Pops you're gonna have to disinfect the couch Angel is trying to have Char on it again," Ez says 

I pulled back laughing while Angel rolled his eyes and slapped his brother.

"I'm not trying to have my wife on the couch. I'm just kissing her" Angel says

"more like playing tonsil tennis" Ez says then moves out the way when Angel threw something at him.

"you two settle down before Char is caught in the crossfires. then I'll hit you both with a shoe" Felipe says

They both apologized before sitting down.

"lunch is ready," Felipe says

Angel helps me up off the couch and we follow Ez and Felipe into the kitchen.

"thank you for this," I say as I take a seat across from Angel.

"You're more than welcome. now eat up so my nieto gets nutrition" Felipe says

"yes sir" I say as I grab some food.

I enjoy the moments like this when we have down time with no calls from the club. no rushing to do anything. just enjoying family time. It's some of the things I do when Hank and I get a chance when he's not busy with club matters.


pequeño - little one

nieto- grandchild

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