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the next day I woke and saw Angel getting dressed.

"damn" I murmured

He looked at me and smiled.

I sat up and crawled over to him and started kissing from the top of his jeans up his torso before I reached his collar bone.

I trailed kisses across his throat as I moved up to his jaw and nipped it a few times hearing him moaning the whole time. 

I stood up straight on my knees and smiled before I grabbed his face and kissed him.

"be careful out there papi. I want you back home in one piece" I tell him

he nodded his head and pecked my lips as I buttoned his shirt up.

"Love you," I tell him

"love you to lil momma," he says

I slapped his ass when he walked off.

He looked back at me and I winked making him shake his head while smiling.

after he left I got up and straightened the bed up before taking a shower and got ready for work.

From the time I sat at my desk till I clocked out. I was busy handling different clients that were not only mine but a few of my co-workers as well. I never got a chance to get lunch since I was so busy.

So when I finally clocked out I headed to the little cafe and got myself a late lunch.

After I finished up with that. Hank messaged me asking me to come to the clubhouse for a bit.

So that's where I'm heading right now.

I could see there were other bikes that weren't the Santro Padre character.

 I climbed out and headed up the stairs where I greeted Gilly and Coco before I fully walked inside.

"you've made it" Hank says when I walked over to him

"I have" I replied taking a seat by him and looking at every in front of us.

"some of the other Mayan charters are here handling business" he explained

I nodded my head before I looked over and saw Ez and Angel playing pool.

"So how's life Tank?" I asked

"busy keeping your boy and his brother in line as well as the other hooligans," he says while laughing.

I smiled.

"that's a full time job huh?" I asked

"every day" Bish says as he and Taza pipe into the conversation.

I grinned before I sat back.

"well hello there" some guy with a yuma path says

"Hi" I replied looking at him.

"care for a drink?" he asked

"not much of a drinker" I replied

"they have water" he says

"no thank you' I say

"bitch" he says

"gilipollas" I replied

he went to touch me but Angel walked over and shoved the guy up against the wall.

"the fuck you call my wife?" he asked as the guys friends stood as did the rest of Santro Padre.

"I called her a bitch" he says

Angle was hauled off and decked the fucker in the mouth before it turned into a full blown fight which the Yuma guy was losing.

I grabbed Angel when Hank and one of the Yuma men broke the fight up.

"come on lets get you cleaned up" I tell him before I stepped over the knocked out dude and headed towards the bathroom where I cleaned Angel's wounds.

"thank you" I say

"don't have to thank me for doing my hubby duties," he says

I nodded my head as I finished cleaning him up.

"how was work?" he asked once we joined the others.

"crazy. I was swarmed with clients that weren't even mine" I tell him

"no one helped you?" he asked

"only other person there was the trainee" I replied

"did they try aiding?" he asked

"they did what they could to help me out. which it wasn't much but it was the thought that counts" I tell him

We spent a bit more time at the clubhouse before leaving.


gilipollas- asshole

Mi ancla ~ My Anchor  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now