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After having Arelynn I had dealt with the whole postpartum new moms deal with. and I am so thankful that Angel was there to help me through it all. I mean I'd still ldo what I could for Arelynn if I was a single mom. but Angel being my support is what really helped me through it.

 two months after having Areylnn. I was back to being my old self, with no doubts about Angel leaving me. or me not being a good enough mother for Arelynn. 

I'm my old happy joyous self that is a doting mother to mine and Angel's niña. I'm a loving wife that isn't ashamed to show my body to my husband despite it not being back to how it looked before I had Areylnn. 

I'm loving the new me that's a mother to a beautiful baby girl. and I'm a wife to someone who treats me as if I hung the stars.

I got pregnant again and this time had a baby boy named Rylan Angel Reyes.

and like the time I had Arelynn, I dealt with postpartum. but it wasn't as bad as the first time. 

now we are a family of four and loving every single moment of it. 


A/N: that's the end 

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