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I never would have guessed that Angel would be so turned on with me being so pregnant. but he's like a wild sex craved animal that is in its mating season or just hungry for its prey and I'm like a helpless gazelle or doe that he has his sights on.

Now don't get me wrong. sex with Angel is so damn mind blowing. I mean the things we do when we get the notion or itch to fuck or make love is beyond mind blowing.

But with me being huge to the point I can't see my feet, I'm waddling as I walk. I have to hold my lower back. and I pee none stop. that's what surprises me that Angel still finds be attractive.

Right now we are in someone's house and I'm sitting across the room talking with Ez. I look up and see Angel giving me a look between I'm gonna be ravished or I'm gonna lose my ability to fully walk. I cant decide which it is but its making me wetter than a rain storm.

I licked my lips and look away knowing that he'll eventually maneuver his way over to me and we'll either leave and head home so he can make me scream as he fucks my pussy or he'll take me to the bathroom bend me over the sink and fuck me while covering my mouth.

I heard Ez laughing and I looked at him.

"Should I contact nine one one now or tomorrow?" he asked

"Nah. it wont be that bad" I replied,

"his look says different" Ez says

I smiled as I took a sip of my water.

"it's not as if I don't crave or enjoy every minute of it. I just find it surprising I still turn him on when I'm this big" I commented

"you're a beautiful woman. and I'm not just saying that cause you're my sister in law. I'm saying it cause its true. and the fact your carrying Angel's kid makes him territorial as well las backing like a predator when it sees its prey in sight" he says

We sat there a bit longer before Angel finally made his way over and helped me up.

"about damn time" Ez says

"fuck you man" Angel says as he takes me out to the car.

I can hear Ez laughing as we walked out.

"can you make it home?" I asked

"no but I wont fuck you for my brothers and strangers to hear" he says

I looked at him like who are you kidding.

"ok. I wanna ravish you in our bed so I can tie you up and fuck you stupid" he confesses 

"kink papi" I say 

"only for my lil momma," he says

Once we finally made it home it was show time.

We stumbled through the house blindingly as we stripped each other down along the way.

 Once we finally got to our bedroom I crawled onto the bed laying there opening myself to him waiting for him to make the first strike.

ANd like he had done before he gave me the same ravishing look he did while we were in that person's house.

"Are you gonna come and play with me or just stare as if you wanna devour me whole?" I asked

"I'm debating" he says

I whinned

"I know" he says after finally getting on the bed with me.

"you're not being nice to me." I whined

"I'm sorry lil momma. I'll stop teasing you and just fuck you till you pass out" he say

"Mmmm" I hummed

When he said he'd fuck me til lI passed out he really meant it. there was no teasing or fourplay. he went right for the kill and had me cumming to the point I felt like I was experiencing an outer body moment.

Mi ancla ~ My Anchor  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now