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As my pregnancy progressed it seemed like things for Angel got bad. and by that, I mean with the club.

He'd always come home stressed and pissed off. Half the time we get into disagreements when I try to help him so I just walk off not daring to affect my pregnancy over the shit he's bringing home and wanting to take out on me.

The other day he sought me out when he got home.

"Baby" he called

"yes Angel?" I replied

"where are you?" he asked

"washroom," I say 

he walked in and wrapped his arms around me before he nuzzled his face in my neck and rubbed my stomach.

"will you help me?" he asked

"With what?" I asked

"destress" he says

"you gonna jump my ass like you've done before when I tried helping?" I asked

"no." he says

I leaned back in his arms.

"how can I help?" I asked

"can I touch you?" he asked

"more than what you are?" I asked

"sexually" he says

"here?" I asked

"No I want you comfortable" he says before pulling away from my neck taking my hand and leaving me out of the washroom to the living room where he sat me down.

"comfy?" he asked

"yea." I replied

"good. now may I?" he asked

"just suckling..for now" I tell him

"fine with me" he says

I lifted my shirt up over my head and watched as he got himself situated in the position where he was laying his up half close to my chest. being careful not to crush my belly or harm it.

"seguir" I tell him

he kissed my breast before licking my nipple then finally took my breast in his mouth and suckled as he closed his eyes.

I closed my eyes and moaned while running my fingers through his hair.

I opened my eyes and watched him suckling my breast. 

he took his time suckling and licking my breast and nipple before switching to the other and coming back to the first.

after a while he fully pulled back and hummed.

"thank you," he say as he sat up and sat up right after moving around so he was sitting on the couch properly.

"welcome," I say as I grabbed my top and slipped it on before I pecked his cheek and got up heading back to the washroom to continue doing the clothes.

When I was finished I head back into the living room and saw Angel was crashed out.  it's probably gonna be the only nap he'd ever get for a while.

I grabbed a blanket and placed it over him before softly kissing his cheek and walking off to my office.

I was handling work while Angel was resting as much as he could before the club called him away.


seguir- go on

Mi ancla ~ My Anchor  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now