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When I reached the sixth month I took maternity leave from work.  with my new free time, I've been spending time at the clubhouse or aiding Chucky in the Romero brother's scrapyard office.

the other day I was in fear of not only mine and my baby's life but Angel's and the other guys as well. due to the war,  two Mayan charters have issues with their fellow Mayan club.

I was hiding in the corner beside Angel trying to keep calm and not freaking out. 

When he looked at me and pulled me in for a kiss before telling me he'll always love me and to look out for our baby. I cried thinking I was going to lose him.

He and the others followed Ez out the door and I got up and pressed my back against the wall praying endlessly that he'd not die nor any of the others.

what felt like hours of waiting. him and the others came in and I made a beeline for him. I grabbed his face and kissed him softly before hugging him the best I could.

"Never do that to me ever again Angel Ignacio Reyes" I tell him

"I wasn't gonna let my brother go out there alone" he says

"I know," I told  him before kissing him again

Now here we are with much more Mayans than what started here.

The guy that Angel beat for calling me a bitch. he's been trying to start shit with a whole lot of people. and that got a fight started when they were talking shit about a prospect hank was sponsoring named Steve.

When that fight broke out I moved fully out of the way not risking me getting hit or my stomach.

Alvarez came out and fired his gun to stop the fight.

Things between the Mayans are in disarray. some of the prez from the other charters have been talking hush hush with Marcus while the members have been basically trying to start shit with Santo Padre members.

 It's like you can't get a moment's peace without one of them making snide comments.

they even talked shit about one of the girls that handle the bar. and how she looks like a guy with her short haircut. which caused her to grab her things and leave.

 Lucky none of the fuckers tried anything with me. cause I'm not in the mood to be dealing with their ass. or watching another fight break loose when Angel handles their ass for disrespecting me.

I can just hope whatever is going on is handled before mine and Angel's baby arrives. cause I don't want them to be in a shit show. or at risk of being harmed or taken by a supposed fellow Mayan brother. 

Cause if one of those fuckers dare to touch mine and Angel's baby. I will hunt them down and make them wish their momma never birthed their ass.

Mi ancla ~ My Anchor  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now