27. Chuck

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Tears clouded my eyes as I cried. I cried so hard I couldn't breathe. I cried so hard I could fell a puddle rising under me. "Chuck, please wake up!" I screamed.

"Chuck, come on! Wake up!" Thomas screamed.

I held my head in his chest. "Fuck you, Gally. Fuck you, WICKED," I said. "We made it. We're out! I promised you!" I yelled.

My crying face was ugly but I didn't care. The quiver in my chin would stay. The tenseness in my arms tightened. "God dammit!!" I yelled.

Everything was a blur. I heard a door open behind me but I didn't care. Not if it was WICKED. Not if it was someone to save us. I jusr wanted to be there with Chuck. "C'mon Chuckles, I'm right here, buddy," I screamed.
Soon, the men were here to save us, and a man had to yank me off Chuck's body.

Two men grabbed my arms and dragged me. I bit one of them so another grabbed me. I began to stop reacting, but didn't stop crying. I watched Gally's dead body and Chuck's fade from my few as they brought me out of the tunnel. I looked around the outside. The brightness overcame my body.

I looked towards the ground. Sand. All sand.

I began to run without the men. And I could see Thomas getting into the helicopter as I was halfway. As I ran near, I said goodbye to Chuck spiritually as I got into the helicopter. Newt helped me in, but held me as my tears were silent.

They shut the doors and we took off.

"You guys alright?" A man asked. Emotionally or physically, I asked myself. "Your okay. You're safe now," the another boy said. He took off his mask and the boy beside him did as well. The one beside him looked exactly my age. And I recognised both of them.

They both stared at me and I knew they recognised me too. They were my brothers. It was Mason and Max.

They smiled then Max looked at me, then my cheek. "Here, kid let me get that cleaned," said Max, pointing to my cheek. My hand raised and touched it and drops of blood appeared.

He quickly with one sweep cleaned it. "Thank you," I said with no answer.

I laid beside Newt, practically on his lap cause of the tightness. "Listen kids, everythings gonna change.."

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