Chapter 3

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As I was Walking into Rickey's coffee shop, I saw One of my ex co-workers, Jacob Malrick, he was a nosy little bug. I got my coffee and left the shop without him seeing me, or so I thought. Just as I started my car I heard him knock on my widow.

He smirked at me in a very rude way, and kept on staring at me through the window.

"Staring is rude you know." I said as I rolled down my window.

"Maybe so, but I didn't see you at work yesterday. Where were you?"

"Ha, why would I tell you." I laughed at his question.

"Because I'm your beststest  friend.... just kidding you make it fun to be at work."

"Well find someone else to amuse yourself with." I said getting annoyed with him and wanting to leave for Logan's house. I put my car in drive but had my foot on the break.

"But your are the only one who has the nerve to argue with Mr. Leray."

"I'm not the only one, you could do a dame good job yourself. Have fun.

With that I pull out of the parking lot. I don't l know why that bag of manure is so interested in me. He is the nosiest person in the office, I'm sure he can find someone else to be a jerk to.

I was driving down the road, when Logan calls.

"Hey Logan your on speaker."  I say and set the phone on my lap.

"Hey Taylor did you open your letter from your Grandfather last night?"

"Yeah, did you?"

"Yeah, the letter he gave me told me that you and I are going to have too go to a museum in Paris. Are you up for it?"

" You know me, Logan I'm up for anything, like you , that's why we got along when we were younger, remember, Anyway I'm on my way to your house, I should be their in 5 minutes. Okay."

" Alright see you then."

Then I hung up.

 I checked my rear view mirror and saw that someone was following me. It was a black BMW To make sure that it was following me, I took 6 extra turns and went around the same block 3 times, and he was still their. I gave up trying to loss him and when to Logan's house.

*Ding, Dong*

He opened the door as I turn around the see the BMW drive by his house slowly.

Hey Taylor, what took you so long?"

"Sorry about that Logan but some one was following me."

"Sure they were. OK come and check this out."

We walked inside and into his living room.

He had a box of books that resembled mine from my grandfather, but he had 2 loose papers.

"Check this out." He said as he opened both of the papers.

"They look like maps." Their were different places circled

"Check it Paris is one of the places on the map. Do you have your letter?"

"Yeah lets switch and see what he said."

"NO, Umm we can't he doesn't want you to see mine. You're just going to have to take my word for it, Okay?" He says worried about something.

"Alright but you promise to tell me later right?"

"Yeah of course." He said dismissing the topic and continuing. " So your Grandfather said that the first place we're going ton have to go is Paris." He paused one more time . "So are we going to pack or what?"

"Is that really a question?"

"I'll meet you at your place in 3 hours, it's closer to the airport." 

" See you later Logan."

"Later Taylor."

With those words I left Logan to pack.

 As I was driving back to my place I saw another BMW following me, so I Took down the license plate number, it was 29CTX3.

The BMW followed me home but drove past my driveway. I walked in my house. and something felt different then the way I left it. Ignoring the feeling I continued through to my bed room, and packed my bags ready to leave for Paris, just as I grabbed my Grandfathers books and was about to put them in my carry on bag, when I felt like I as being watched. My curtains where open so closed them and the feeling disappeared.

* Ding, Dong*

"Come in." I say to the door as I bring my things to the door to meet Logan.

"Hey, Taylor, Do you know who's car that is across the street?"

"I didn't know their was a car their what kind?"

"A BMW."

"Oh my goodness, that's the car that has been following me since this morning after I got a coffee."

"That's weird but we really have to go, I squeezed us in for a flight and it leaves in half an hour." He says rushed.

" Okay lets get everything in your car then." I say not wanting to be late.

 " Oh yeah I forgot to tell you I got Trigger back, and he's coming with us."

 "Really why couldn't your step brother look after him for a while longer?"

"Well, Tristan is moving to a smaller apartment and they don't allow big dogs."

"Fine if he must come."

 "Cool, now let's go." He grabbed my bags and left for his truck. Something was really strange about the BMW across the street, I have a bad feeling about this crazy idea, but that just made me what to go more.

As Logan pulled out of my driveway the BMW across the street turned on and started to follow us to the airport and Trigger noticed  and started to growl in the back.

" Oh, be quiet Trigger" Is all Logan thought of it. He just seems to ignore the fact that that car with the licences plate number 29CTX3 .has been following me all day.

 We got in and made it to the air port with 15 minuets left before our flight to Paris, Logan convinced me to go shopping to fit in and not look like tourists, but he's going shopping to, so I guess it's a win, win.

They were boarding us and I got another strange feeling like their is more going on than we have told, but why is it just me why hasn't Logan said anything yet, he's usually the first one to notice these kinds of things.

"Please fascine your seatbelts for take off," said the flight attendant.   

 We took off and Logan instantly feel asleep but I couldn't get my mind off of the car that had been following me and why Trigger reacted that way. But they won't be in Paris, will they?

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