Chapter 4

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"We are now landing, please fascine your seat belts." Said the flight attendant.

Logan was still asleep beside me, I hit his shoulder gently to wake him up.

"Oww! What was that for?" He asked with his jaw dropped.

"Where're landing." I said in a duh tone.

"You could have just said so, you didn't need to hit me, any way let's go shopping and get you some cute new clothes when we land."

"Logan your such a girl at times." I said in a teasing way.

"Like, OMG , how could you say that to me?" He said trying to sound like a girl.

Right then the airplane landed and shook everyone on board, then the plane stopped and we all got off, then Logan and I collected our things.

"I'll call a taxi." said Logan.

"Alright I'll wait by the entrance for you."

I started to walk to the entrance to wait for him, when I got a text message from an unknown number

* Taylor I see you, I know you, I'm watching you, watch who you trust, I know I would.*

If that's not creepy I don't know what is.

Just then Logan walked back to the entrance.

"The cab is on it's way, do you want to go to a hotel and study the books to figure out were in Paris have to go, or go shopping first." He asked hopefully at the end.

"Let's get a hotel that allows dogs the size of Trigger first." I said trying not to laugh.

"OH SHIT, I forgot to get Trigger after we got off the plane. I'll be back." He said then ran off. I smiled at his forgetfulness .When my phone went off.

* Taylor I see you, watch who you trust, I will get you.*

* I'm sorry I think you have the wrong number.* I typed back confused.

*Taylor Gray, I have the right number, I see you right now, be carful now, don't do anything stupid.*

"Who are you talking to?" Asked Logan, sneaking up on me, as Trigger licked my hand.

"Um...Uhhh... No one, just a wrong number."I say knowing that wasn't enough to convince him. But oh well, what can I do about that. As soon as I finished saying that, the cab came up to the front entrance.

"Alright, that one is ours, let's go." Logan said walking up to the cab.

"Monsieur, tu ne peut pas avoir ce chen dans cette taxi." Said the taxi driver.

(Translation - Sir, you can't have that dog in this car.)

"Mais, Monsieur, on juste veut trouver un hotel. Ca sais tous." Logan said in French.

(Translation - But, sir we just want to find a hotel. That's all.)

"Avec un un chen comme ca, tu ne peut pas trouver une hotel pour un millon dollars." said the taxi driver.

(Translation - With a dog like that, you can't find one for a million dollars.)

" Bien, on ne vas pas rentrer dans ton auto et tu ne vas pas etre paier. Aurevoir et bon journee monsieur." Logan said and walked away from the driver with Trigger on his leash.

(Translation - Good, we will not get in your car and will not pay you. Good bye and have a nice day sir.)

"Logan wait up." I started to run down the street chasing after him." Logan slow down what was that about?" He was ignoring me. I grabbed his hand "Logan," He turned around looking pissed off. "what happened?"

"He won't drive us because we have Trigger with us. So are we going to just here all day or start walking to the nearest bench so we can sit down and talk about where we need to go. Unless of course you would prefer standing in the middle of the road translating and looking through a book that is older than your Grandfather." He yelled at me, that was the first time he has ever yelled at me.

" Fine then. If want to do this alone and talk bad about then one person that ever treated you like you were his real son, and protected you from your dad, then go ahead," I took out the books that my grandfather gave to me and shoved them into Logan's chest." here take them. Be an ungrateful, disrespectful, little greedy kid. I'm not on this adventure for my own glory un like you, I'm here because I want to finish what my grandfather couldn't, I'm here to make my family rest in peace. I don't want anything other than peace but I won't find it with you." Then I stormed off down the street not knowing where I was going, when I saw the Louvre. I knew that it was supposed to be an amazing museum, so I walked up to the front set of doors.

"Taylor, Taylor wait," I turned around to see Logan." Taylor listen, I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you, I was just really pissed off at the driver and you came up to me. Please do this with me, I'm sorry I disrespected your grandfather. I wish I could take back everything I said. You don't know how bad I feel for yelling at you. Can you forgive me?" He said with sad regretful eyes.

"Logan I will forgive you because I know you didn't mean it, but let's just keep a better eye on things, okay?" I said.

"Oh my gosh, thank you Taylor." He gave me a hug and didn't let go for a good 3 minutes.

"Okay Logan you can let go now."

"Oh yeah sorry, so how did you know to go to the Louvre?"

"I didn't, I just walked and found it in front of me."

"Alright then let's go, this is were the first clue is."

We walked through the door with his arm draped over my shoulder. As we where walking around Logan said," That's it, the glass box with the paper and the medallion in it."

"Where?" I asked

"Over their, beside the guard." He said in a whisper.

"Aright then, let's come back tonight and get it then." I said in a whisper.

"Great now let's go shopping." He said with a smile on his face.

"Do we have to? Are we going to leave trigger outside again? Poor dog has to sit out their in the summer heat."

"Why? What's wrong with that?"

"OH my gosh Logan, it's a wonder that dog is still alive. You always forget you have it."

"That's why I have you though, to remind me."

"Yeah what would you do with out me." We joked as we waked out the front door.

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