Chapter 15

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Egypt. That was our next spot, we were going to the pyramids of Giza.

"You're right. Let's go." Logan said, his voice, full of sadness.

"Okay I'll drive." I told him, knowing that he wasn't going to be able to concentrate.

We both packed up the equipment and dropped it off at Williams house. Then we went to our private plane. I'm going to be broke after this. Victor was talking about treasure. Maybe if there are any gold coins or jewels, or something that the Ganaras left in there city? NO! That's not why I'm doing this. I have to stay focused. I'm doing this for Grandpa. 

Logan was quiet for the entire car ride, we were going to see Hannah, our pilot, it only took about fifteen minutes to get to air port.

We spoke to Hannah about the flight and she told us that it should take about 5 and a half hours to get to Egypt with the weather we have. Hannah was an older women in her early fifties, she had pursued her dream to fly, and the entire fight she spoke about how much the world has changed, were she grew up, the family she had, everything. but Logan was quiet and didn't talk at all, uninterested with anything she had to say.

"You know what Taylor, even with everything I have done, there was always something missing, I needed to get away from my happy life and have an adventure." She Looked at me then at Logan hoping to get a response, but no avail, so she continued," That is why I am so happy to be flying you two, I get to be apart of your adventure, even if it's a small part, remember that both of have made an old women proud and let's not forget that you're also making your dear grandfather proud as well. I didn't know him extremely well but, I did know that he took care of his granddaughter after her parents died in a car accident, and he also took care of a little boy, and every time I went to visit him, he told me stories about how amazing that little boy was doing. Now I get t see both of them and help those tow amazing people he raised."  She finished, I looked back at Logan who had been engaged in  what Hannah had just said.

"How do you know about those two kids if you didn't Taylor's Grandfather well?" Logan asked confused.

"Well, uh I don't know how to say this next part so I'll start at the beginning. When I was a young women, I was going to have a baby, and I was married to the nicest man I had ever meet, but after the baby was born, the man I married had changed. He was starting to get more violent with me and the son we had, he was no older than a year and a half, if that. So, one night I went to Mr. Gray's house, our neighbour. Mr. Gray was a sweet old man that took care of his granddaughter often and had raised a good son years ago. I asked Mr. Gray if he would watch over my son, and keep him safe from my husband. Mr. Gray had already heard about my husband's personality changing, so he gladly accepted, I walked back to my house and collected  my son's things , when my husband came in. You see, he had found out that I had asked Mr. Gray to watcher over our son, and didn't like that I had. So I just put my son's things down, grabbed my wallet and walked out the door. I haven't been back to see my son, or my Husband since." Hannah had finished and Logan was trying to figure out what she was telling him, but didn't want to ask, so I did.

" Hannah? What was your son's name? I might know him." I asked her, because if my Grandfather was looking after him I should know him.

"You do know him dear, his name is Logan." She said, as she looked back to see her son  who she hasn't seen in over twenty years, a single tear rolled down her cheek. "Logan dear, you have made me proud, even though you may not understand how, but you have."

Logan had immediately started talking more, he wanted to know everything about her, it was as if he had forgotten all about Trigger. All I did was watch as Logan and his mom get caught up, after so many years. It was good to see Logan smiling and laughing like he did when he was younger

As they were talking something else Victor said came into head,. He said that he killed my parents? Does that mean that lived from the car crash? After trying to figure it out on my own for half an hour I interrupted from the mother son time.

"Hannah? Do you know happen to know how my parents died?" She looked over at me when I said that.

"Well you see dear your Grandfather and I did talk during the years I had left and he would want you to know that your parents lived through the car crash but Victor snuck into the hospital and  well I'm sorry dear." She said, her eyes filled with real sadness.

"It's okay." I said before I fell silent for the rest of the flight.

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