Chapter 12

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 The car ride was long and quiet, it had me wondering exactly they were talking about when I was getting ready, oh well. We pulled up  in the middle of a forest, having to walk the rest of the way, Logan made William walk in front of the group were he can be supervised by Logan.

"Okay stop here, William start setting up, Taylor I'm taking you over the root." He said, he then put his arm around my shoulder and walked me behind a tree, "Okay Taylor here's a map, we wont have eyes on you until you approach the entrance, when you get there, I will walk you through the Palace." He stopped and pulled out another map," Here's a map of inside, That red circle on that wall is were the painting should be, their are no windows on that side of the room , so when you pass through the passage in the wall, we will lose contact, here is a GPS so good luck and turn you camera and ear piece on when you get to the front entrance, so we can see through your eyes , and sorry for everything earlier today I just don't want to lose you." He said hugging me, I hugged him back understanding what he was feeling.

"I understand, but you are not forgiven, prove to me that you are not the same man as your father, please show me." I don't want him to be like his dad, but he has to prove it.

"I will." He said then he turned us around back to were William was, and I put my sweater on because it was starting to get cold out. Every one of William's computers were on and working . I looked at the map and then over to were the Palace was. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Taylor put this on." William said hold up a black object in his hands.

"Why? What is it?" I asked.

"It's the latest model, now when you go through then wall or what ever it is you are doing I can see where you are, wait... you can't tell me that you haven't saw one before." He said like I was crazy not knowing what it was.

"Well I'm sorry, but I'm not a computer wiz like you." I said taking it out of his hands. "How am I supposed to put this thing on?" I asked turning it in my hands over and over again in my hands.

"Just put it on your shoulder, like this," He said taking it out of my hands and pushing a button on it make a pin pop out. He pushed it into my sweater, "their we go darling that should hold." He looked over to the computers and saw a blinking red light on it.

"What is that?" I asked looking over to the computers as well.

"Oh that's you, I have you connected to the computers so I can walk you to the palace, I know that Logan doesn't know that yet but he can keep a better eye on you this way, what do you think..." He said giving me an awkward look, "Sorry about earlier, I had to, I had no choice." William said looking down.

"You always have a choice, and that, was just a stupid one." I said then turned around and started of toward the Palace, "Let's go Trigger." I called.

We walked for about 10 minutes until we saw the front doors, I hid in the bushes and turned the camera on, waiting to hear him through my ear piece,.

"Taylor there are 5 guards posted at the front gate, there is a door at the side in the ground William just pinpointed it on your GPS, go to it." Logan finally said into my ear piece.

I slowly backed up and walk around the building. I checked the GPS and it said that I wasn't moving.

"Thanks a lot Logan." I said into the ear piece.

"What? He said back.


"The dam GPS isn't working." I said quietly, looking around for thee source of the sound.

"Don't worry Taylor, I can still see you on screen, keep gong around the building." Logan said into the ear piece.

"You? Where is William?" I said on high alert.


"Here I am."

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