Chapter 6

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  Logan ran up to me and grabbed my arm and continued running.

"Run Taylor don't look back just run." Logan said out of breath.

"Logan you have a lot of explaining to do when we're done running from these random people." I said back.

"THAT"S RIGHT TAYLOR RUN, RUN, AND NEVER COME BACK." I looked behind me at the source of the voice. Their were 2 people standing their, one sitting down, the other  was pacing back and forth.

Something was really familiar about the guy pacing back and forth.

 "I said don't look back, keep up." Logan said it was only then that I noticed he had a cut on his arm, and it looked deep.

"Logan what happened to your arm?" I asked in concern.

"What part of run is so hard to understand?" He said sarcastically.

"Come on." I said speeding up a little, running to another building, a block away.

"Okay now we have time, tell what exactly happened?" I asked him, trying to catch my breath.

"I was getting changed when that one guy  walked up to from behind, then he pulled out a knife and jumped on me. He had the knife at my throat at first, and then he said," Not so tough now are you, to bad for your little lady friend." all I said was "Oh I'm not worried about her. Besides you have bigger problems." Then while he was confused I elbowed him in the side of the face with one hand and grabbed his hand that had the knife with the other. I turned him around, stomped on his leg, and put him into a choke on the floor. That's when you came up and asked me all your questions. And he got out of the hold and started to get up, I took that as my sign to leave, on my way out though he through the knife and cut my arm." He stopped to look at his arm. "Well you know the rest." He said getting a stupid grin on his face.

"Well now we have to brake into museum with your arm all cut, so it's up to you whether or not we wait an other night or do it tonight." I said giving him the option. I was hoping that he chose to wait an other night.

"Taylor, I'm fine, let's just go in get the papers and the medallion, then we can get my arm taken care of alright." He said trying to pull a tough guy act. But everyone that has every met Logan, knows that is one of the many things he can not do. 

 "Fine if you insist on going tonight then let me just put this on your arm." I said pulling a bandana out of my pocket and tied it around his arm to stop the bleeding.

He looked down at me  and gave me a small hug, then we started off to the museum.

When we got their Logan was out of breath, I looked Trigger in the eyes and told him "Stay here, and keep watch." I said it slowly with out breaking eye contact with him. Trigger licked his lips and then looked away.

"Alright twinkle toes, lets go." I said to Logan. 

"Yeah, right, I'm coming." He said still out of breath.

I started to walk around back.

"Um.. where are you going?" He questioned.

"Okay just so you know Logan, this is the Louvre, and if you had bothered to look earlier then you would have seen all the security here. Do you really think their are going to have the front entrance ungraded and with out a security system."

"Good point." HE said as I resumed going to the back of the Louvre to check out the back entrance, Logan was following me. 

" No... Dam it." I say frustrated when we get to the back because their is no lock on the outside only on the inside of the door.

"What's wrong?" Logan said confused "I thought you could break into anywhere with that lock pick of yours."

"I can when it has a lock I can see, umm, let me see," I start to look around the back for a window." follow me." I climb onto a garbage can and Logan follows. "Okay see that window up their?"

"Yeah."  Logan replies, grabbing onto the fence beside it.

" Lift me up so that I can get inside then I'll come back out this door and meet you."

" Why am I the one always doing the heavy lifting?"

"Hey, you can't complain you said you wanted to do this tonight, it's just like at your Dads business okay. Lift, grab and ask questions later."

"Fine but you owe me a lot of coffee after this." He said lifting me up.

 I climbed up and then turned around." How about no." Then I walked away, I shined my flash light trying to find out where I was when I saw  one of the paintings from earlier today. I knew where I was I needed to be one more floor up. As I was walking I thought to myself," where are all of the guards." I was quiet knowing that they had to be their somewhere.

 I walked up to the stair case and I heard 2 men talking, and heavy footsteps going down the stairs.

They said something in French but I don't know what they were saying

Where to hide? Where to hide? Over their. I ran quietly over to a statue in the corner, and hid behind it. 

The men walked around splitting up to cover more ground faster. When one of the men was coming around to the  statue I held my breath to stay quieter.

He looked at the statue with a strange look on his face. He shined it around when something fell on the other side of the room. Their was yelling and then the man ran over to his partner. I carefully walked over to the stairs and climbed them when I got to the top floor I turned my flash light back on and looked for the medallion.

When I found it I took out my lock pick and started to pick the lock, when I didn't hear an alarm I was curious as to why their was so little security. I got the case opened, and put the medallion safely in  my backpack  along with the papers. Then I closed the case and walked back down the stairs in a hurry  when I bumped into the guards on the stair case, we were all doing summer saults down the stairs. When we finally with the bottom I was across the floor from the guards.

I got up and looked at the men behind me and ran for the window. I tried to open it but it wasn't opening, they locked it.

I ran for the stair case, as the men get up and start running after me.

I approached the stairs, when I tripped over my feet, and fell down the stairs. One of the men grabbed my arm and started to yell at me, but I didn't understand a word he was saying. I started screaming, hitting, kicking. Then the next thing I know The man that grabbed me, has me over his shoulder, and is carrying me somewhere. When I see a door that has something French written on it I freak out, bring my nee that is closest to his face up, and drive it all the way, holding the back of his head with my hand. The man falls back and I make a run for the stairs again, but this time I run into Logan, I get knocked down, but I get up again, grab Logan by the shirt, and rundown the stairs.

"What is happening?" Logan said getting tired.

"I took the medallion and ran into some guards." I explain running to the door to the back.

We got to the door and Trigger was at the back door not the front. I grabbed my lock pick and started to pick the lock.

"Umm, Taylor, we got company." Logan said.

"Well, please buy me some time, this lock is going to take a while.

Their was a password on the door, so I was using my code reader.

Logan ran up to the guards and started to hold them up.

"Done." I say, looking back at Logan , only to see him getting hit by the men. I opened the door and got Trigger inside the museum, Trigger jumped on one of the men and stood above him with his teeth out to scare the man, Trigger would never kill anyone, I followed and jumped on the other mans back, I took the taser from his belt and used it on him. Logan, Trigger and I ran out the door.

When we got out the door we saw the two men from the bathrooms. Trigger once again jumped on the men protecting Logan and I, as we jumped the fence beside the garbage bin.

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