Chapter 14

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 I struggled in the grasp of the men that were holding my hands behind my back. What did Victor mean when he said my Grandfather was tempted by the riches? What was he talking about when he said this whole thing killed my Grandfather? Their is no way that Victor killed my parents, they died in a car accident, it's impossible, isn't it?

Victor stopped at an intersection between tunnels." Taylor which way do we go?" He said still angry. 

"I don't know, I can't use my hands to get the book." I snapped back, coming up with a plan. 

Victor turned around and got in my face "DON'T BE RUDE TO ME! " He yelled. I couldn't help but laugh in my head at the fact a, 40 or 50 year old man that is my best friends dad is yelling at me.

"I CAN DO WHAT EVER I WANT! " I yelled right back at him, starting a staring contest.

"Um, sir we should keep moving." One of the guards said , taking Victor's focus away from me.

"Yeah Victor lets keep moving." I say mocking him.

"Let her hands go." Victor ordered his men, turning around to face the tunnels, and they did as he commanded. "Now tell me what way we need to go." He ordered me.

I opened the book and turned to page after the one with the entrance code and found a map of the cave, I hope the map is right,  the left path on the  map lead to water I think that is what it was, and the right path was the way to a bridge that eventually  lead to the thing we were looking for, " Um.. left." I said out loud, and Victor turned around and walked a head, to the left, and to my surprise his guards followed him leaving me at the back, I slowly and quietly walked to the right path and once they were out of eyesight I ran, quietly, to the bridge. It was rotting and starting to fall apart.

Alright now their are two ways to get across, either I run at full speed or walk across carefully, um let's be careful with things that can break easy. Okay, it's time to do it or forget. As I take my first step  a piece of wood falls and hits the water creating a loud echo  in the dead silence of the cave, oh shoot they heard that I know they did, lets switch to the first one now run like my life depends on it, which it does.

"FIND HER YOU DUMB, LAZY, USELESS, NO GOOD GUARDS!"I heard Victor yell from down the other tunnel, when I got across, I hurried to  get the book out to see which way to go at the next intersection.

"There she is!" I hear a guard yell and the fist one comes running to the bridge and falls in the water with his first step, making a big whole in the bridge. I find the next intersection and I need to go left. I look back at the bridge to see Victor yelling and hitting the guard that isn't under the bridge.

"Hey Victor!" I yell getting his attention, "Looks like you still haven't changed!"

"Both you and my son will not make it to the end of this! I will get you!" Victor yells back to me in rage.

"For an old man you sure talk big!" I yell back, with a smile, then take off running.

Tunnel after tunnel, I finally get to the spot were the  clue is supposed to be, and I see a box covered in dust on a large tall stone, I grab the box and put it in the back pack. Their has to be a way  out with out going over the bridge I mean I opened a secret wall to get here, there has to be one to get out, I checked the book and flipped the to the page after the map to see another combination for more stone bricks. I looked at the bottom of the page to se more things to translate. Great. So after a few minutes of translating the message, it finally read, " Look for the light." What the..? What is that supposed to mean. I start looking around for something light, I see there is a loose spot, and there is light coming through. I start to do the combination for the stones bricks which are the ones that happen to be slightly out more than the rest. One, two three, four, five, six.

"Stop!" I turn to see William holding up a gun, standing next to the place were I got the box.

"William? What are you doing with that gun?" I ask him.

"Sorry darling, but I can't let you leave with that box." He says scared for some reason.

"William, put the gun down." I said trying to get him to put the gun down.

"No! I can't, give me the box darling, n-now." He said as a tear rolled down his cheek. It must be Victor.

"William please just let me leave. I'm sorry for whatever Victor did to you, but is it worth hurting your friends, your family, and..." I said slowly getting closer to take the gun away from him, but was interrupted.

"No! Sorry isn't going to get anyone anywhere. Darling, I don't want to shoot you again please, j-just give me the box." He said, only confirming what Victor was the reason William was breaking down, even though I don't know how he got here but I still need to get out.

"William he can't hurt you," I said finally getting ahold of the gun, and pushed down to the floor, "he's not here right now, it's just you and me, you don't need to face him, you can stop this,  just don't see him anymore, think about it, are you will to kill me, will that really help you out, will hurting Logan make things better between you and Victor?" I said in an extremely soft voice.

"Alright, I'll let you go, but only this once, please give up, I don't want to see Logan or you get hurt." William pleaded.

"Okay, we will just let me go and you will never have to deal with any this again." I said taking the gun out of his hands.

I turned around and walked over to the stones, pushed the last one, and walked through the hole it made, not looking back at William.

When I finally got out, it was still dark, I made my way to the place that Trigger was shot.

"Well I guess this is good bye bud," I said kneeling down next to him. " Hey, watch over Logan will yeah, he needs it." I finished saying good bye and started to walk back to were Logan was stationed.

Minutes later I found Logan asleep on the computers we set up earlier. I snuck up behind him, "BOO!" I yelled pulling his chair back a bit.

"AHHHH!" He screamed, as I doubled over laughing, "not funny, I was scared, I didn't know what happened, were is Trigger? Where is William? Did you get it?" He asked in a hurry, as  I was still laughing on the ground.

When I Finally finished, I stood up." Well, you see, I found out William is working for your dad,  and the shots you heard, yeah William shot me in the leg after shooting Trigger, killing him, and I managed to get the item and change William's mind at the same time making him rethink his decision, Oh and I got your gun back." I said answering all his questions adding a smile at the end.

"He shot you and Trigger, he is working for my dad. What does my dad have to do with this?" Logan said, both angry and sad. I gave him a moment before opening my bag, like he said we need to get out of here.

"Logan, I know that it's not the time, but we should get this thing moving." I grabbed the box and opened  it, there was a ring in it, along with papers for our next destination.

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