Chapter 7

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Logan and I jumped the fence, Trigger followed right behind, and the men were right on our tails. We were running through an alley, When I felt myself being grabbed and dragged into abuilding. I was confused, one minute we were running through an alley now we are standing in someone else's living room. 

"Bonjour." An older looking women said.

"What?" I questioned her.

"Oh, Um, you no speak French,  bonjour means hello." She said trying to speak English.

"Why did you grab us?" Logan asked her.

"I saw you be chased by a few men, and I hear some noise from museum, what you are doing at the museum late at dark?" She asked, she didn't have very good grammar but I was to thankful that she spoke English, to complain about grammar.

"Well it's not important why we at the museum late at night, but would you happen to have a first aid kit, my friend here got cut badly by the men that were chasing us?" I asked her.

"A first aid kit?" She asked, not knowing what I was talking about.

"Supplies that can fix something on someone that is hurting." I say clarifying.

"Oh, yes, I was doctor, a few year ago, I can help your friend." She looked over at Logan "Come, follow me." She walked off into another room, and Logan followed her. I was left alone in the living room. I decided to look around, I saw another door way, and a little boy was standing their, he couldn't be much older than 2.

"Hello their." I said to the boy. He was hiding behind the wall at the door way. He stayed quiet, and just kept staring at me, his eyes were the same blue that my Grandfather used to have.

"My name is Taylor, what's yours?" I ask the little boy trying to make him more comfortable with me in his house.

The little boy turned around and ran to another room, farther into the house. I was alone again. The walls of the living room were a light brown and the room the little boy was just in was white and their were counters next to the walls so I assume it was the kitchen, I also noticed that their were some paintings in the living room, their were paintings of animals like goose, horses, deer, moose, and lions. I heard foot steps coming from the kitchen area that the little boy ran into. A man  little younger than I was walked out with the little boy hiding behind him.

"Quest-ce que tu veut?" He said in French.

"I'm sorry I don't speak French." I said feeling awkward and out of place.

"What do you want." He said in English. His English was better than the women's, but he still had a French accent.

"Nothing I'm just waiting for my friend to get his wound patched up." I said feeling like I was not welcome in his home.

"You look familiar. What is your name." He asked pausing in between his words in confusion.

"Taylor Gray." I say back Taking in his features and something looked very familiar about him as well. He stood their in shock.

"My sisters name is Taylor. Did your Mom and Dad die when you were small?"

"Yes, OH MY GOSH, CARTER IS THAT YOU?" I screamed in amazement, not believing my brother, that was supposed to dead, was standing right infront of me.

"Taylor, it is me, Carter. I thought I was never going to see you again." He said and gave me a hug.

"Carter I thought you died with Mom and Dad." I said still in shock that my brother was still alive.

"No, I went to hospital with Mom and Dad, I was their for a long time, aunt Mable came and took me hear to live with her. She told me that you wear going to stay with Grandma and Grandpa." He said.

"Well then who is this little boy?" I ask Carter confused on why he was there.

"Taylor you are an aunt now too." He said to me then turned to the little boy. "Macus, sa c'est ton Tante Taylor."

(Translation- Marcus, this is your aunt Taylor.)

"How old is he? Who is the mother? Where is the mother?" I ask.

"She died shortly after he has born. He is 2 years old now." Carter said.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I said sadly, as Logan and the older women , who I assume is my aunt Mable, came back into the room.

"Tante Mable, tu connait Taylor, oui?" Carter said to her.

(Translation- Aunt Mable, you know Taylor, right?)

"Logan, this Carter he survived." I said to Logan, getting tears in my eyes. Logan gave me a look of pure shock. I filled Logan in, as Cater filled in aunt Mable. They feed us and I got to learn that my nephews name is Marcus, Carter named him after our dad. Then we were send out. Trigger had been sitting outside the door the entire time. I guessed he scared off the men that were chasing us.

Logan, Trigger, and I all sat down on a bench, and started to translate the papers I got from the Louvre.

"All right so the missing letter is, N, what does that that spell." Logan said.

"London England." I said.

"Well I guess that's better for you." Logan said getting a smile on his face.

"Why is that?" I ask confused.

"This way you can understand what people are saying." He says and he starts laughing.

"You jerk." I say playfully.

"I know, but you love me." He says like he was in high school.

"Yeah, Well I have to go to the bathroom I'll be back." I say then head to the bathrooms around the corner.

As I'm washing my hands I get a text

*Don't think you've seen the last of me, I'm just warming up.*

*Thank you now I know who you are.* I say back, putting the pieces of his little puzzle together.

*Do you really* He sent.

* Yes I figured it out.* I Texted back.

*Then who am I?*He sent.

*You are the man that was chasing me and my* I stopped to think, what should I call Logan, Would it be al right to say partner, or friend? * company* I hit send happy with my answer.                       

*But you don't know who I really am, do you?*

* Give it time and I will. You are carless and will slip up.*

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