Chapter Two

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"I still can't believe you're gonna be gone by tomorrow," Aebhín says as she sits on my mattress. "I don't know how I'm gonna function without being able to talk to you whenever I want."

"You still can Mulligan, I'm moving to a different country, not dying."

"Yeah but it's a 5 hour time difference. You'll still be asleep and I'll already be in second period."

"It'll be fine, and besides you still have Ciara."

"Exactly, I'm still gonna be here. But my girlfriend doesn't seem to remember that." Ciara says as she gives Aebhín a look from the beanbag in my room.

Aebhín smiles at her "I could never forget you baby."

I roll my eyes at them "You're repulsive. Anyways I need to pack up the rest of my shit, so get up so I can fold my sheets."

I pull the sheets off the duvet and they both help me pack up the last few things in my room –a few of my books, a poster of the periodic table, a record player with my collection of vinyl, and some of my jackets. The essentials basically.

My mam calls up the stairs "Girls! Do you want some food, me and Ri are thinking of ordering some Subway?"

I turn to the girls and ask if they want some and they say yes so we all walk downstairs -walk, is a bit nice though. We sound like a herd of elephants.

"What sub do you want, Aebhín? Ciara?" My sibling Riley asks.

"Surprise me." Aebhín says.

Ciara shrugs "I don't mind."

Riley starts putting in orders into their tablet and looks up at me through their glasses "Do you just want a meatball sub again, Mads?"

"Seriously, again Maddie? Do you ever change your order?" Ciara laughs.

I shrug "Don't fix it if it ain't broke. But yeah Ri, thanks."

As we're all sitting down in the living room, laughing and talking, I realise that I'm gonna miss this a lot more than I thought. But regardless we leave tomorrow not today, so we use today like it's the last.

Because, and not to sound dramatic, it is.

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