1: Shitty Ass Noodles

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People who says money can't buy happiness just have fucking enough of that stuff on their own and is just blabbering nonsense despite of knowing capitalism and privilege for the rich.

If someone said that to Y/N L/N who is basically you, you would've punch them without hesitation or grab a near rock and throw it to their face. Your ears would always perk up in anger when someone dares to say it to your face or your anger arises when a quote about it is what your eyes see while suffering in lack of money under the broad daylight in the shady streets of Japan. Surely, this thing you had wasn't happiness and right now, you're most definitely sure that money can buy your happiness.

It's been almost 12 years since you turn your back to the life you're having. Honestly, it was more shittier than the life you have right now. Fuck beating someone up, fuck being superior, fuck having a gang, fuck having a slaves and fuck witnessing murder, blood, crime and oppression. You were a gang leader, even a great one as much as you didn't wanna believe the kind of names they're calling you.

You were able to command untameable men, do the impossible, skills that you possessed were almost beyond real. You're honestly fucking angry at your younger self because it's so embarrassing, disgusting and a disgrace to have men gawk at you, watching you fight like you're some kind of entertainment and worshipped you like a god.

So you ran away from that world, something you're good at.

There are no urges of coming back to that weeks and months passed. You didn't care about the reactions or feelings of your gang at all, you know you were just a figure that gives them fantasies, you were just a person who the members have hopes for in every single battle your gang faced. Easy to be replaced.

You just found no reason to be back as a leader for them at all

As much as a bitch or asshole you just are, accepting that you're not the perfect, kind, genuine person a stranger would expect after seeing your face, you hoped nothing but the best for those guys. Because really, eventhough you could care less about what they felt, think or if they're on a search for you in every corner of the country, you expect that they will become successful— a decent person atleast.

If not then you're just going to kill them one by one for making you spit some random bullshits about how education and power are related, simple.

Simple, it's anything but your life. You faced almost all the challenges this world have to offer. You were a mechanic, a stripper, a cashier, a clerk hell even a janitress once and right now you just got fired from your job as a waitress. Last decent job that you had, gone because of some stranger have been molesting you, eventhough your boss had seen it with the naked eye, money was enough to make the man blind.

You beated up that stranger though after that fool fired you, again, you could care less about what he's feeling or even thinking because if a man dares to lay his dirty hands on a woman, then a woman dares to cut that said hands and throw it at the trash where it belongs.

You hated that kind of people, you really do— especially men because that's just what they do. Lie, betray, be greedy and take whatever left and eat it like a damn dog. Thirsty for power over the world, even to women because they expect less from them.

That concept of theirs disgusts and confused you the most. What do they get from it? Because surely nothing is permanent in this world and they act like they're on the throne up high until they die. A fleeing moment of power makes them unhinged. Yikes.

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