11: Medium Rare

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Medium rare

It's how people usually like their steak. A question perpetually echoes in your mind about what it tastes like. For so many years, you've sneaked in, aced some fucking interviews, and never failed to get a job as a waitress at expensive restaurants. May it be because of your pleasant look and fine manners as a servant, you've seen and smelled steak but never tasted one.

And now that said steak is in front of you, singing its glory, the darling of all tastes, the most scrumptious and juicy-looking of them all,

Yet you just stare at it, having no appetite to savor such an expensive meal in a room with thick tension and cold-blooded men who, with one wrong move, will literally cut each other's heads off.

You expected at least that they would all fake-plasticize their attitudes and put on a perfect show in front of a child who is completely unaware of their murderous auras. The said child is sitting on Izana's lap; oh, his ever-kind uncle is feeding him with a fond smile, like there is just no ticking bomb in front of him.

We all know who is the favorite and who can laugh in the face of danger.

Shinichiro elegantly cut the meat. His gaze is friendly when it comes to you and Mikio. Really, the man has his triolity, his flirty nature, his domestic vibe, and his ability to kill you with his eyes alone.

You wonder if there is any normal one in Sano's bloodline, because almost every one of them is insane and sick in the head.

"It's really a relief that Y/N managed to save Mikio before Bellamy could ever touch him."

And the tension even thickens.

The clock ticks, and it slowly irks you that this man has been mentioning your "heroic" deed like a prayer, like it serves as a reminder that such a deed got you to where you were in the first place, which is here in this damned restaurant. God, it was getting annoying and confusing.

You feel like his compliment can be a slap to others.

And you were right, feeling how Mikey changed his mood.

One rumor that stands out among the street is that the mighty, unbeatable, invincible Sano has only one fear, namely, his older brother, Sano Shinichiro.

You couldn't even blame the guy at that part, really, because it seems like Sano Shinichiro lived different lives because of how fucking genius and dangerous he can be. As if he pulled one string, catastrophe enough to ruin the world would happen. Many men followed and respected him like he was a god; most businessmen in Japan are somehow involved with him; it's said that he has more allies than enemies because of how he moves so smoothly with his words and manipulation.

"Have we not learned from what happened with Emma?"


You didn't give a damn anyway with their family concerns, not an interest sparked when a girl's name was mentioned, not even a question in you arose when Izana's lighthearted presence turned into something that could make a person on their knees.

The chatter of men outside of the room can be heard- none of the brothers dared to speak. It is unbearable how anytime, a second, or a minute, bloodshed in this room will happen. You noticed Mikio is getting scared by the looks of his uncles and how Mikey's aura is oozing bloodlust.

You immediately elbowed Mikey, who looked at you, annoyed. Both of your eyes communicated, then you looked at Mikio. The youngest Sano looks so confused by what you're trying to say that you sighed at how stupid this man can get.

"Kio, want to sit on Mama's lap?"

You smiled at the child who reflected it back. Mikio's fear vanishes.

"Yes!" Mikio immediately got off Izana's lap and sat on yours.

"Mama! Food!"

"Yes, there's food! And what do good boys say?"


I close-eyed a smile and pinch his nose, then start to feed him.

They can all kill themselves or whatever, but you're getting Mikio out here alive if guns and weapons are on sight.

"Our Mikio listens to you."

Shinichiro is amused but not happy. Mikey's sole fear is seeing Mikio follow someone who is not them. He looks at you with that glint of suspicion, but it seems lighter now knowing how picky his niece can be with his people—yet he chose you despite your questionable background.

Maybe you're a good person after all.

"He's been real obedient ever since Y/N saved him," Mikey said, drinking the wine.

"And I got your message well, Shin."

Shinichiro gave him a look and said, "You better."

"This shall be the last time Bellamy will make a fool of us," Izana added. Looking at Shinichiro, who is cutting his steak again.

"Seeing that it shakes you up with their unexpected bullshit that you returned from a million-dollar deal, you must've realized by now that three out of five of their valuable assets turn their backs against him, crawling their way to us like a worm, after... well, offering some gifts to their families."

"It's not enough," Mikey said, leaning on to the chair. "Tempted to end their bloodline after we get out of this damned dinner, but as said, we would be too merciful doing that."

Shinichiro smirked. "Do what you think you must." He wipes his mouth with a napkin and delicately drinks his wine.

"Now... Y/N, how old are you?"

Shinichiro asked, and the two younger brothers looked at you. It's the first time that Shinichiro took an interest in a girl after what happened.

"25 years old, sir."

Lightly smiling, he said, "Drop the sir. You may call me Shin."

He puts down his glass and leans his cheeks on his palm. Raven's soft bangs slightly cover his calculating eyes, his facial expression is relaxed. You cursed the family for being so fucking attractive.

"Such a waste of talent. I heard that you're the first girl to ever manage a gang dominated by men."

The soft sound of his plate meeting the tip of the knife echoes until your bones can hear it.

"Disappeared well without a trace at that- we didn't even realize you're working under our nose. Impressive."

You didn't even know if that was praise.

"Mikey, give her a day off from Mikio. Izana will take care of him for a while. I'll introduce the beauty to Wakasa."

The youngest Sano raises his eyebrows and asks, "Why would you need her to introduce Wakasa?"

"Because once I get a gem, I'm determined to hone its potential." Shinichiro cut a steak once again and took a bite.

"Shin, you do know that she is mine."

"Can I not borrow her for awhile, Mikey?" The man tilted his head, as if challenging him to refuse. "The video you sent me is enough proof that this girl is still the beast you faced that day."

"You should learn how to avoid being selfish, don't you think? "

"I am saying you do not get to decide as if you already have my permission, brother."

Shinichiro smirks, "Okay, then, Manjiro. May I introduce her to Wakasa?"

Mikey seems to be satisfied with that, and you screamed internally. This man grew to be a spoiled brat.

"You may"

Izana chuckles. "What a loser."

"Say that again, and I'll kill you."

Yes, you are about to break down. What the eldest just said, as well as the name that is like a folk tale to you, Wakasa Imaushi, The infamous white leopard. A gang leader once again joined the Black Dragons. Every delinquent knew his name and would never dare to mess with him. All the more so, it is said that no delinquent would approach him because Wakasa only fights those who are competent and couldn't care less about those weaklings who challenged him, basically making them look like children throwing tantrums.

He is the ruthless and pure epitome of power in his prime, for you've tried to research his fighting style once, applied it to your body, and for God sake, you will never do it again. That is your conclusion. You were a fast learner. You've done his style for 2 weeks when others can do it in months—in a messy stance even. Luckily for you, your frustration pushed you to your limits, and you aced it like you were his descendant. Maybe that's a gift from whoever created your being.

And now, THE Sano Shinichiro, his leader and trusted companion will be the one who brings you to the said legendary man.

"Well, that settles it. Oh, and please do eat, Y/N. I noticed that you weren't touching your food. We don't want you to leave this place with an empty stomach. Let me know if you want anything else."

Shinichiro kindly said that and smiled again at you.

You look at your steak, then at the three brothers.

"Was the steak not to your liking?" Izana asks, tilting his head. You swore you could hear his hanafuda earrings.

"No, it's delicious." It's a lie. You can't eat because of the three hoodlums.

An amused smile was created on his tan skin. "Oh my, how can you tell when you haven't taken a bite yet? "

You swore you're going to also kill this man someday. "I'm already full from the plating and smell, sir. Forgive me for telling the truth." Sarcasm is thick under the sweet facade.

Izana chuckles. "Ne, Mikey. May I borrow your maid after Shinichiro?"

Your eyes twitched at the word "maid", your blood boils once you see the fucking devil looking real proud of what is happening. "No, eat my shit"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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