3: Crisis

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In years you've been existing, never had you been this nervous before.

Was it the coward growing in you for years that have passed, away from delinquency? Was it the inexperience of meeting someone that may have potentially be a part from your past? Oh! Or was it the goddamn fact that the people you're about to meet is a criminal in the flesh that does unimaginable crimes and may be the ones who ends your pathetic life?

You couldn't choose from that three because you're too nervous to do so.

Obviously, plotting was an suggested idea by your mind, as if the lightbulb been turned on after a long time. You weren't a gang leader in the past for nothing.

Right now, you're actually using your brain. Congrats, wonderful!

Yeah, you plan to run away after giving Kio to them. Marvelous idea, first time doing it, you're nervous as fuck.

Walking never felt this heavy and hard, you can feel your hands getting cold despite the warm breeze Shibuya have. As you're holding the Devil's child, the little fella is skipping his steps, he is so excited to see his uncles that you want to cry.

Again, how did you ended up in this situation?

You're rarely kind and considerate to other people, so when you show one, automatically it's one of the top 10 best moments in your life. But yesterday when you offered that to a child you learned that you resist, you have no comment, you're gonna die anyway so what's the point of giving your opinion?

Sunlight hits your face as you take an attempt to look at the petshop's name. Chewy, what a strange name for a criminal to come up with it.

You laughed, "Fucking weird how this world works"

By how chill or calm Bonten's men work, you even give it a thought that these guys may atleast normal not until those fucking way of torturing the ones who betrayed them has been spread around like a water while you're working under them. Unhinged and disturbing.

Keywords— organs, torture room, chainsaw, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Hanma Shuji, and a nailcutter.

Your mind gone through a lot to even remember why a nailcutter is suddenly included.


Kio said, pointing at the shop and pulled you who let a nervous laugh escape. You anxiously looked down at your clothes and you felt like dying again.

A simple pair of jeans, worn out rubber shoes and an oversized white tshirt imprinted a minimalist art— God you're dying in this? You considered yourself as the most pathetic person in the world.

'Fuck being poor'  You thought bitterly and found yourself infront of the pet shop already.

The aura of this shop is.... friendly for a potential Bonten headquarter

Well of fucking course it's a pet shop so it's supposed to be less intimidating

You just know that you're so going to die. You're sure of it.

'I'm gonna die with two body counts fuck my life'

Your knees can't help but to weaken by such devastating fact, now you're on the same level as Kio's

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