7: Vœux

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"Yes, a contract, baby"

The contract is literally shining infront of your eyes. Like a key to success that you will be tasting from now on. You are clearly not shaking in fear but in excitement as if you didn't want to run away minutes ago. It isn't a peculiar event for you to sign up a paper that can either fuck up your life or give you some real money to live.

You remember that certain time you had your first contract once as a worker under a pretty shady company, it pays you well as their finance, despite of not being able to graduate from college— luckily you had the job for they didn't have such high standards, as long as you're willing to work properly at such place where men loads their guns and pulls the trigger as if they're having their lunch at mcdonald's, you're suitable for it. Still, you're a normal citizen working under some company right? It's just your boss and working environment that isn't normal at all.

Frankly, you don't care about such boastful and impatient bastards that you're with. You can do a good ignoring as long as they pay you well. Hell, you are once a gang leader yourself so you learn to mind your own business if it isn't yours to be responsible at or to fill, you were always ready to finish a day like a normal citizen.

A shame that business suddenly closed because your boss had to be that dumb motherfucker to get caught in some illegal underground fighting so all employees disperse and each of your boss' men shuts their mouth regarding this business by using stack of money and that includes you.

You didn't have to work for atleast 3 months after that, a much needed break. Here you were wondering if you'll ever find a job like that again.

"I gave you two folders. One is the contract and second is my son's personal information"

"and i have to read this all?"

You express your disdain, one fact about you is your attention span is as short as your patience. You don't have the patience and attention span enough to read and read after such a long tiring eventful day, if this man lets you rest then you wouldn't be acting like this.

"You'll be getting paid 500,000 a month"

Mikey suddenly drops the bomb and you're just there experiencing the damage.

You knew this man right here is filthy rich and that offer didn't disappoint, but still, hearing those words out from Mikey's mouth is still surprising. That mind of yours is bewildered.

500,000 a month... that is just insane. Never had you ever received such good as fuck and a lot money for just being a mother to someone's son.

Your heart thumps in excitement. Forcing yourself not to smile even though your face literally shows that you're tempted. Fuck yeah, you're gonna be tasting real luxury while taking care of a cute champ who considers you as his mom and pretty.

Life must be playing tricks on you

and you adore its tricks like how you adore men screaming in pain because you kicked their balls.

"Seeing that you have no urge to read the full contract at all, i'll discuss it with you"

Mikey leans at the couch.

"I'll give you a year. A year to be my son's mommy and well... what would be the right term? Bodyguard"

Your jaw literally dropped by what he said. Well... of course that 500,000 a month is too good to be true for you to just play all mommy parent around his kid. A part of you expected this since Manjiro Sano is full of surprises. Having a used to be gang leader as his son's mommy means having someone to protect his child too. It's like hitting two birds with one stone.

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