9: Home

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Days went on painfully slow. It wasn't that much of a reassuring concept for you to take care of a kid, eat three times a day, and stay around the house with contentment and urge to be lazy. Your body is molded by the world to work and work until your system gives up by how exhausted you are.

Everything felt weird.

You know that this is a much needed rest for you after working your ass off in what like— 10 or 12 years? The stigma this life imprinted on you haunts you still, it made you feel jittery as if a worm ate a salt.

"Mama, okay?" Mikio cups your face after you zoned out for the fifth time today.

The kid's presence helps you a bit to remain your sanity and keep your shit together. Your body screams for something— like real work, real labor, and real shit that you wish that Mikey would let you eliminate those who are a threat in Mikio's life as the kid is asleep. Clearly, you have the capability to do so. But it's been 5 days since he last talked with Mikio, you envy Mikey, you dreamed to be a provider and that is what he is doing right now.

A wave of yearn that is peculiar for you, but to think of it, you already are a provider. A provider of comfort, a provider of peace, a provider of assurance, a provider of love.

You are a provider to Mikio.

It makes you feel giddy to think of that, that maybe your body screams for work because you felt useless. As if your existence were not meaningful at all, as if this body you have is made to be nothing, made to have no purpose and just exist.

But infact, you weren't at all,

"Mama is okay, darling. Just thinking about something..."

"You think about papa? Ma, you miss papa!" The little devil exclaims, echoing through the large empty house that made some of the bodyguards of  Mikey look at you two.

You sweatdropped, really, this kid can be random sometimes like his father that it makes you want to burst.

"When did I ever mentioned that Kio?" Dread laces over your voice and you see that familiar glint in the little devil's eyes.

"Mama too shy to say she miss papa!" Even poking you with his tiny elbom then laughs wholeheartedly.

Your jaw just dropped and shook your head,

"Oh really?" You fold your arms with a smirk. Mikio stops laughing and gulps.

A child can be smarter than any man, so, Mikio runs "Come back here you little!"

Both of you had a match of tag you're it for so many times since you moved in here. The child always knew how to make things interesting, his mouth can be full of wisdom, sappy stuffs, shitty nonsense or pure insanity. Mikio is too wise for his age to even understand that his papa can't always be with him when at your age, just being away with your father is just unbearable.

"Mama so funny!" Mikio giggled as you catched then tickled him on the floor. The kid is now on your lap, burying his face of your shoulder blades.

"Am so happy with Mama..." Mikio whispered, small hands taps your neck and traces small circles.

Your heart melts and kisses the child's temple. You carry him down the living room where he was playing getting a hunch that Mikio is feeling sleepy.

"Want your milk, little champ?" A shake is what you felt, means no. You nod understandingly and sat on the couch, Mikio never breaks the half hug.

"Missin' papa never too hard when Mama is here" Your heart felt a little ache.

Arms finding Mikio to bring him closer, you gave him a kiss on his forehead while caressing his back. "Mama is always here for his little boy, Mikio will always remember that, right?"

Your tone is tender and ever so soft that you, yourself was surprised that you can muster such. A blanket was wrapped around you and Mikio's body, you hum him a lingering lullaby that your father sings to you.


Mikio lazily mutters and you hold his hand, rocking him back and forth so gently. You look at one of the guards to signal that the light needs to be closed and they obeyed immediately. The lights are dimmed and your voice that echoes through the house melts in the child's mind, assuring him that there will come a tomorrow where he will be warm and loved again.


The sunlight hits your face and found yourself on the bed.

On the fucking bed.

You jolt up, awake, who would ever carry you all the way up here because surely the guards don't dare to touch or even speak with you for an unknown reason. And Mikio... oh your little boy is nowhere on this bed either. Quickly, without even changing your satin white sleeves and shorts, you hurriedly ran downstairs in worry and you stilled once hearing Mikio's giggles at the dining room.

Own feet brings you even closer to the noise and you saw Mikio sitting at the dining room.

It felt like cold water pours over you when you sense a familiar presence that you know damn well.

He is home.

The ever in his glory, Manjiro Sano, wore a black shirt and shorts, looking down at Mikio who is telling him never ending stories so happily that the child shines so bright. Mikey's pale hands is caressing his son's hair as he quietly listens, appearing to be less tired and less violent whenever his son is around.

Suddenly, that soft raven eyes lands on you. It appears to become more softer that had you taken aback.

"Mama! Dada's here!" You disappeared out of your trance as tiny finger points at you, Mikio runs to you and small arms asks for you to carry as you did so.

"Papa came home! Look!" You chuckled

"Yes, yes, I can see him baby" You started to walk on the dining table and can feel Mikey is watching you intently.

The man suddenly stood up and smiled at you as you were approaching, putting his hands on your waist, nears his face to yours, and kisses your temple so suddenly.

That fucking surprises every bit of atom in you.

"I'm home"

Mikey whispers huskily and smiles,  amused at your dumbfounded expression, fucking frozen at first but then cleared your throat.

"Welcome home, darling"

He seems to choke on his own spit hearing the endearment as you smirked.

"Mama, papa miss each other!" Mikio giggles and both of you sees his joy.

A sigh in your mind knowing that this is going to be a long, hectic day for the old Sano returns.

"Ready yourself, by the way. We'll have dinner with Aniki and Izana. I'll take care of Kio"

Mikey suddenly announced, with such indifference that made your jaw drop.


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