5: Deal

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"I'm not paid enough for this shit" You deadpanned at the most dangerous men in Japan, while caressing the most cutest creature, Mikio, on your lap.

"Tell me about it" Mikey sarcastically replied.

See your patience is running thin, so you wanted to burn this man alive.

Mikio didn't left your side after calling you "Mama", the horrified looks from the others as well as Mikey while Izana looks like he is having the best time in his life, you wanted to cry because you will be buried 6 ft under by the end of the day. Their stares are eating you alive, every look from them sparks curiosity and amusement

you know it wasn't a good sign- yeah- FAR from good at all.

"Mikio, my only heart, care to tell papa why are you calling this woman your mama?"

Mikey said in the most tender and loving voice that you almost gag.

"Because she is pwetty! Pwetty stranger! Pretty hooman. I like her, dada" That's it, you're adopting this child.

"Just what did you do to this child for him to say that"

Baji said in disbelief. It emits a laugh from the significant division members while settling at the sofa this petshop have.

Inheriting his father's personality- maybe his uncles as well- Mikio is a child that is hard to handle. He picks his people when giving them his best version. This kid may look sweet, kind, and one that is easy to take care of but this is the same kid who set his nanny's hair on fire, who vandalized his dad's office using crayon and put a star on all those important papers that is yet to be signed by his father. Who got his most nannies crying infront of Mikey since they want to resign so bad- unable to take care of a child that is satan's spawn.

"Atleast the child is smart with his eyes," You muttered and Mikey glared at you that you immediately add— "Sorry, i'll shut up"

"Kio, come to your uncle, we miss our unico hijo"

Izana opens his arms and gleams as if he didn't kill people with his bare hands. A civilized person, god did it send chills on your spine. Yet, the innocent you thought Mikio, copied that gleam and looks at you as if he wants your permission to go to his uncle.

Izana noticed the expectant gaze and turns to you with curiosity, Mikio never acted like this to anyone. It's truly a once in a blue moon phenomenon to see a person who can tame the little one except from them.

When you nod, Mikio kissed your cheeks in joy. Izana bits back an unhinged smile, realization dawns and looks at his dear brother who is staring hardly at you.

"Iza! Iza!"

Mikio finally got off your lap and runs toward his favorite uncle who laughs genuinely. Seeing them being all lovely and warm, you find yourself loss at words in this situation.

"Where do you want to go hm? Dada is having his talk with Mama right now. We should leave~"

Your jaw absolutely dropped when the motherfucker said that.

"Pwetty stranger can be my mama?! Really?!"

"Of course my sweet"

Izana gazes at Mikey mischievously,

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