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"Y/N L/N, the leader of GLOIRE gang?"

You stayed silent. Cursing the hell out of everybody in mind as you maintain a stoic expression. It slowly pours you to a hot lava of dread, to hear that godforsaken gang name in the same sentence as your name.

"Eh? Ain't that the gang where their leader left them out of the blue that causes them to dissolve?"

Great explanation, it's giving science, fantastic, you almost clapped and have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes, Kazutora's attention is on you. Looking intently and can't figure it out if what Baji is saying the truth judging your expression.

"So that's why you look familiar" Baji smirked

"To think that Gloire in the past is a rare case for Toman to think some bunch of wannabes are worthy to fight with" You clenched your fist. Footsteps nears you and a hot breath fans your ears.

"That one girl who prevented Mikey's kick"

You wanna throw up.

"Why is it that Mikey's previous enemy is currently fucking with us, then?" Baji asks

"I don't know what you are talking about" God, you wish you didn't know. One thing you hate about the division captains is how sharp their mind can be and how it eats you up every. single. time.

"Sounds bullshit"

"Baji san, you may stop. You have no proof that she was the one who leads Gloire in the past anyways" Chifuyu deadpans as caressing Mikio's hair.

"Huh? How dare ya stopping me like a stopper, Chifuyu"

"Can i leave now?"

You asked, clearly displeased to stay here a little longer. You knew it's a bad idea in the first place but you returned Kio right? That's all what matters.

"No, Mikey wants to see who 'saved' his son" You gritted your teeth. Of fucking course they wouldn't let you go that easily might as well run and live in another side of the world.

"He'll be coming here with Izana, the executives will be with him too. You're fucked" Baji pulled you down to a chair.

"All ya gotta do now is to sit pretty, say your prayers and prepare for what fate plans for you i guess"

"I didn't bought a ticket to see that shit" You spit that made the three men chuckle.

"You'll be okay... shit— maybe not because it's gonna be real messy" Chifuyu frowned but automatically smiled when Mikio looked at him.

Kazutora takes your hand and presses a kiss on it, "Darling, as much as we wanted to believe and let you go but it's all useless when the little bean's father wasn't convinced"

You stop yourself to roll your eyes, like it wasn't that obvious already.

"We already been told that Mikey wanted to see you, after all, you saved his child— if the story you said was indeed true. Now, where's the convenience store you said you saw someone trying to kidnap him?"

As you said the store, it took a minute for his attention on phone then to you.

"Perfect, now we wait for the boss"

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