2: Oh Hell No

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If you guess the time right now, probably, it's time for you to sleep already after a long eventful day, yet, you can't find yourself falling asleep when Kio, the strange child you met yesterday, is sleeping on your lap as if you're no stranger at all.

The child looks peaceful and you're kind of scared that you'll wake up the next morning to find this same little human doing random shits that'll make you consider your day, worst of the worst.

Eventhough Kio looks like a well behaved kid, a kid is still a kid. He's at his age where he'll follow what his curiosity wanted to do without giving much thought of the consequences of his actions he's about to do. Who knows what could happen? You didn't give a shit about this child to that extent, you just didn't like to cause anymore troubles that will probably have you in jail.

Kio is your responsibility, not for so long, still your responsibility... yay.

You severely decided that you will not take your long deserved sleep to make sure this kid doesn't make a questionable move. Even though you're kinda sleepy, but it's fine by you since you're used to bear with it anyways- you experienced to work for a full 15 hours without resting.

You definitely feel like some boiling shit waking up from a 5 hour nap after overworking yourself like that, your head was aching that you can feel it for days, your self care just got worst— talk about self love, plus you're having troubles in sleeping because of the fucking nightmares that felt like it's gonna drown you whole.

Staying awake is the bestest option for you.

Hours passed of keeping yourself steady to not wake Kio up, you still didn't know why you ended up in this situation, your life has always been a weird one but you can't just get used to its weirdness. And this feeling, the feeling of making sure that Kio is safe and survive for another day, is definitely weird.

Why do you care about someone's child this much when you can't even make an effort to care about yourself?

Oh and he's already sweating, fuck your house for not having an air conditioner indeed. A sigh escapes from your lips, you rip off a carton and wave it to create air towards him and wipe his sweat. Yeah, you're so definitely gonna look like shit tomorrow.

It's morning, you can already hear the cliche sound of vehicles outside with the birds chirping while your neighbor's dog is being irritating again and alas, the temperature became even more hotter. Honestly, fuck the sun for being a scum.

Kio moves, left to right and opens his eyes. An early bird, good. You didn't had a good relationship with every child you met in this planet for real, maybe it's the intimidating vibes you're giving off or you're just the fucking worst when you handle one, but meeting Kio slightly changes your perspective to yourself and the kids. You're not that bad.

"Good mornin, pretty stwanger" After that, you bite your lips to prevent a smile, god you love this child, you're willing to give him the remaining budget you have for that most beautiful greeting you ever received. Bless his father for raising such a good kid.

"Morning, Kio"

"Breakfast?" You, again, sweatdropped when he requested. Your expression became serious as you made the kid sit on your lap. Kio have a sleepy expression, hair is messy as rubbing his eyes with his tiny fist. Fucking adorable.

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