8: Mom Duties

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You didn't regret it at all.

"Mama! Mama! Up! Wakey! Hungry! Play!"

You swear to god you didn't regret it.

The voice that interrupted your dream was too jolly, too enthusiastic, too excited considering that it's probably just moments after the sun rises. You mentally groan and forcing yourself to open your eyes slightly there you see a figure sitting on top of you, bouncing up and down that made you wheeze by how painful it is.

"Mikio, i swear to god if you don't get off right no—"

"Mama grumpy!" The child cuts you off and that annoys you even more.

Immediately, you plant your face on the white comfy fluffy pillow to avoid losing your goddamn mind. You wanted to sleep, hell you need sleep after all the shenanigans you've gone through taking care and watching over Mikio all day.

You love the child, you swear to any gods out there, you love Mikio more than anything since the kid is endearing, kind, and you can tell he likes you so much... but really... his energy along with his never ending creative—adventurous ideas is too much for you to take and to catch up. It's draining you more than ever. It felt like you work 24 fucking hours by how you and Mikio did lots of bullshits yesterday.

A giggle echoes through the spacious room. Soon, you can feel short chubby arms wrap around your arms, Mikio is literally hugging you while you hide your small smile on the pillow.

"Mama... mama... play with Kio pwease" He rubs his cheeks against yours.

You ignored him that made him pout and shakes you. "Mama, answer Kio!"

A sigh escapes. "Kio, honey, why don't we just rest for today hm?"

Your body turns to him, the child tilted his head, finding the idea boring and crosses his arms. A sigh escapes on your lips and pat his head tiredly.

"Mama, tired?" The child looks like he is about to cry. "Is it becauwse of Kio?"

Alarmed by the tears welling up from the kid's eyes, you shot up from the bed immediately and at ease, you carry him while walking in to the large bathroom. Mikio is watching you, surprised at first then laughs while hiding his face on the crook of your neck.

"Mama so funny!" You rolled your eyes with a smile and you can feel your body ache from the sudden rise. Mikio sat on the counter, looking up at you with big doe eyes.

"Mama gonna toothbrush?" He asks innocently and handed your tooth brush and paste.

Sometimes, you think Mikio is too intelligent than kids at his age. He is not acting like some spoiled unbearable brat you see from those fancy restaurants you worked as a waitress. This child has manners, Mikey didn't become less of a father atleast.

Well, you're damn sure that Mikio took after his jolly and unpredictable personality from his father too. You heard it from the man that this kid had a lot of nannies who resigned to be his one because he is too much to handle for them, you wonder why.

Nevertheless, you thanked Mikio and did your morning routine, he watches you with awe.

"Mama, pwetty"

His complements are always random. Yet it felt sincere, it felt genuine because he stares at you with such love and care. It really feels like its natural to his mother at some point, being with Kio is as easy as breathing. With how you and this child's aura clicked, how easy it is for you to take care and talk to him, how the both of you grew so close, so trusting just after that short time meeting each other.

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