10: Eventide

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You've always hated Sano Manjiro.

Reasons? Do you have to enumerate?

He is a cocky motherfucker who can manipulate everyone with the strings he attaches to them. A fucker who is inconsiderate, imbecile, a wannabe piece of shit that irks every single vein you have in your body. The reason why cancer in society exists. You cannot accept that this is the same shit that defeats you; you hated the guy, even though he got the looks that are certainly just your type... Oh, and he may also be strong, rich, and a good leader— you applaud him for that, but you wish to burn him alive.

Especially right at this moment, in front of the many dresses he bought you, he is announcing such a last-minute event (a war even) that will occur later. At the very least, he was decent enough to explain what would happen.

Sano Shinichiro is enraged by what just happened to Mikio. After coming back from his trip to Italy, some loose mouth dropped the bomb, and now everyone is in shambles.

Oh, and another reason than that is that the eldest Sano misses the little one too.

You know too little of the eldest Sano, but you heard that his wealth is almost the same as a tycoon's. Among the three siblings, his lifestyle was the most private, unlike that of Sano Manjiro, of course the fucker had just to boast so that many people would kiss his ass.

The eldest Sano is proven to be the most vile and disgustingly genius among the three, out of character, since you heard back in the day that he got rejected by so many girls. Who knew that such a loser, in one flick, could destroy most of the well-respected families all over Japan? He is the one who can challenge the government by showing how insane his connections were inside and outside of the country. In his perspective, the world is like a playground.

And now you're meeting the same Sano that had your existence shaking.

Because one of the many things that you're so desperate to avoid is involving yourself further in Mikey's business.

Just being his son's nanny was enough. REAL enough.

Secondly, you don't know how to properly act in front of them, especially Izana. That motherfucker is surely unhinged; with one wrong move, you may walk home without a toe or missing a finger.

You definitely didn't want to go to this "dinner" at all.

You shake your head and just choose an outfit that hugs your figure perfectly. It is a black skinny off-shoulder dress that has a slit that shows your thighs. You paired it with a Dior bag and gold accessories. You can do well with high heels, so you wore YSL's heels. The outfit of choice is almost obvious, you're preparing yourself for your own funeral.

May God help your soul to make it out of this evening alive.

Once you're finished with your makeup, you tie your hair neatly. Spray Chanel perfume, and you're ready to go.

A knock on the door echoes through your room.

"Are you ready?"

It's Mikey. You rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, just a minute!"

You packed Mikio's favorite toy and napkin, in case he got bored or threw tantrums throughout the dinner.

You opened the door to see Mikey in a black suit, strangely matching your outfits and dreadfully reminding you that this dinner is not one that will be all lovey-dovey. It is a fucking battle in disguise.

"Let's go?" You asked.

Mikey's observant eyes scan your body up and down; he stops at your waist, then your collarbones, and stares at your eyes. It's making your skin feel itchy under the fabric. You swore you could see him gulping.

"Eyes are up here, Mister." You snap your fingers.

Mikey sighed. "Let's just go."


"Good evening, boss!"

Mikey was the first one to get out of the car. followed by you with Mikio on your arms. Every man lined up, bowed, and greeted Mikey with immense respect and pride. The said boss nonchalantly walks, letting you two go inside the empty restaurant first.

"Mama," Mikio whispers, and you look down at him, who leans his cheeks on your collarbones.

"Mama pwetty," your heart swells, and you kiss his forehead.

"Thank you, my darling."

You adjust him in your arms, and lately you've noticed that you're having a hard time carrying the little one. It makes you worried somehow, not to him but to yourself since you used to carry heavier things than a child.

"Kio, Mama is having a hard time, you know? Why don't you steppy to show that you're a big boy, hm?"

Mikey softly said, his body is near yours. Fingertips grazed his son's chubby cheeks.

"Nuh! Mama said am a baby! "

A chuckle escapes from the man beside you; it's fucking crazy how it sounds so hot and attractive, and the scent of his cologne is strong. It is definitely teasing you; there's no way in hell that your mind is that close to melting. No fucking wonder he is rumored to be courted by the Prime Minister's daughter.

Why in God's name am I simping for a man? Worst- it's Sano fucking Manjiro?!?!

You cleared your throat, "He is~ now telling your daddy that you will be a good boy tonight."

You looked up through your strands of hair; Mikey was already looking at you.

You beamed at Bonten's leader, "He will, right?" That means you fucking behave too because my life is at risk. If you wanted to start a fight with your siblings, start one when I'm not around, you fucker. I don't even know why you felt the need to bring me along when you could've brought tons of bodyguards with y—

"I'm a good boy! "

Even though Mikio cuts you off, Mikey seems to get the hint and smirks. He leans toward you and grabs your waist.

"Do I get a reward if I behaved, mommy?" His lips touch your ears.

Rolling your eyes, you pat his cheeks in a gentle manner. "I'll kill you."

Suddenly, a giggle— a fucking giggle— escapes from Mikey. You were this close to thinking that this man lost it or smoked some weed before all of this.

His hair slightly tickled you as he leaned his head on the crook of your neck. "Mommy is so harsh."

You swear with every atom in you that you will definitely kick this man's balls soon.

A loud noise can suddenly be heard outside of the restaurant. You look behind you to see Izana Kurokawa and Shinichiro Sano in the flesh. Both are wearing suits, and their hair is neatly arranged; their aura is insane. Attention grabber and a filthy rich enticer, truly, ladies and gentlemen.

A familiar purple eye landed on you, and a knowing smirk formed. Dread flows in your veins as Mikey straightens his posture, and the grip on your waist tightens. This night hasn't even started yet, and here you are getting tired of it already.

Sano Shinichiro walks towards you and kisses your hand, "A pleasant evening to this stunning lady right here."

"I believe you're the angel that saves my nephew right here, am I right? "

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