The middle of nowhere

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Jonathan drove down the seemingly longest road he had ever seen until he saw an old farmhouse. Jonathan stopped the car and got out. He walked trough the gate and saw a man working in the distance. "I guess that's my father ." he thought.

Egons Pov:

He had been working on the power converters for the last month but they wouldn't work. Egon had gone over every single calculation several times but couldn't find any error. He suddenly saw a car stopping right before his fence. A tall man in a suit stepped out of the car."Probably just a government official like Walter Peck.", he thought.

Jonathans Pov:

He walked towards the man who stood on the veranda. When he stood directly in front of him Jonathan said:- "Excuse me?" The man jumped in suprise and Jonathan could see that he was trying to fix the electricity or something like that. He looked at him in shock.

It was this momentJonathan realised how similar they looked. They both had brown hair and an odd hairstyle and they both wore round glasses. We even shared the same eye color. After minutes of silence in which he seemed to examine Jonathan Spengler carefully, Jonathan finally said:- "Are you Dr. Egon Spengler?"

-"Yes.What do you want?" -"Well, this letter here says that you are my father." -"WHAT?" Egon yelled the last words at Jonathan. -"I-I don't remember having a son." he said deeply searching his memories. -"Oh." Jonathan was disappointed. He had hoped that he finally found his father.

-"Could you give me that letter, young man?" He looked at Jonathan. He felt a shiver down his spine. Jonathan didn't know that it was possible to look this serious and intimidating. -"Of course, Sir." He handed him the letter and watched how he read it several times.

"What a disappointment! Why would I think I could find my father?"

-"Jonathan?" He looked up faster then he could breathe. The tone in Egon's voice had changed. It wasn't that serious anymore. It had a more sweet tone. Jonathan looked the older version of himself in the eyes.-"I know what you are thinking Jonathan. But after reading this letter I can assure you that I am your father.It took some time to remember that your mother was going to have twins but I didn't stay to see your birth." -"Wait, twins?Does that mean I have a sibling?" -"Yes." He nodded.

-"You have a sister. But you'll probably never meet anyway." -"Why not?" -"Well, your mother and I got divorced before your birth and I moved out of our apartment only several days after and moved to a different one in New York.Your sister and you stayed with your mother." -"Oh." -"What I don't understand is why she would leave you at an orphanage!" he said angrily. -"Since you are my father, can I stay with you?" -"Sure. Just make sure you get a job in town or something." -"I'll do that right away."

Jonathan walked back to my car but looked back for a short time. Egon was smiling at him. Jonathan smiled back and got into the car. Egon turned back to his work.

He drove into Summerville. It was a old town with not many people living in it. Jonathan parked in front of the city hall and walked in. A receptionist was sitting on his desk typing into his pretty old computer.

-"Uhm excuse me?" Jonathan said nervously. He never had been good at talking with people. -"Yes? How can I help you?" -"Well I'm new in this town and don't really know what to do." -"It's your lucky day Sir! The mayor is free right now, so just go in his office. He will explain everything. Don't worry."

He walked into the mayors office and looked around. -"Hello young man! What brings you to me?" Jonathan suddenly noticed the middle aged man that was sitting on the desk in the middle of the office. -"Well I am new in this town and..." -"Say no more! I'll help you! My name is James Sullivan." -"I'm Dr. Jonathan Spengler."

They shook hands and Jonathan sat down in the chair that was opposite to the mayors. -"Dr?" -"Yes! I have a doctor in Physics, Maths and Parapsychology." -"So we have a scientist here?" -"Exactly." -"Well I could offer you a job at our middle school. As a science teacher of course!" -"Ok, I guess?" -"Wonderful! Now just one last question Dr.Spengler. Where do you live?"

-"On this farm outside Summerville." -"Dirt farmers house?" -"Dirt farmer?" Jonathan raised a eyebrow. "Why would they call my father the "Dirt farmer"?" , he thought. Well he'll just ask his father later.

-"I guess so?" -"Wonderful! We'll meet outside the school tomorrow ok? How about 2 pm?" Jonathan nodded and they shook hands.

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