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Jonathans Pov:

When he walked downstairs the next day Egon was nowhere to be found. Jonathan looked in the house, the garage and the rest of the farm. Nothing! But then he noticed a small hut on the farm. He'd already seen Egon go in there before and it also was the only building Jonathan hadn't checked yet.

When he walked in Joanthan was suprised. It was nothing like he expected! It was completely empty except an old fire pole. He slid down the pole and found himself in a pretty dark room with technic equipment some pictures on the wall and a collection of spores, molds and fungus.

Egon sat at a desk in the middle of the small room.-"I see you found my workroom Jonathan." Jonathan walked nearer to see what Egon was working on.

-"A ghost trap?!", I shouted. -"Looks like you know what that is. I guess I can't hide it from you any longer, can I? I was a Ghostbuster but I don't think you know what that means." He looked at Jonathan.

-"Of course I know what a Ghostbuster is. I mean I literally have a doctor in Parapsychology!" -"Wait really? So you know what it means." -"I overheard your call last night. Well not everything but I heard what I heard. Since last night I am aware that you were a Ghostbuster and that you aren't anymore. Also your ex-friends think your crazy."

Egon sat there speechless. He didn't expect Jonathan to know that much.-"A-anything else you heard?" The insecure tone that my fathers voice scared him. There was stuff about the Ghostbusters Jonathan didn't know. He had the feeling that he had opened a cut that hadn't healed yet.

-„No" ,he answered. -„Then what do you want to know?" -„Why aren't the Ghostbusters a thing anymore? I mean why did you break up?" -„We didn't break up. I just left. Well it's not that easy to explain...."


Egons Pov:

Egon ran towards the new warehouse Winston had rented. Last night he had finally figured everything out. He finally had the proof he had needed. The world would end and Gozer would return. The only questions Egon wasn't able to answer was when and how Gozer would return. But most importantly how they could stop it. He was sure that Ray could help him with it.

He didn't believe Egon the last time, called me insane and scary but he didn't care. This time Egon had proof. Well sort of. HE had forgotten everything at home but he was sure they would understand. Egon opened the door since it wasn't locked and walked in. The only one present was Peter. He sat in a chair and looked at Egon smiling.#

-„Hey Egon." -„Hi. Do you know when Ray's coming?"- „Oh he isn't coming for some time. He is on vacation outside New York. Won't come until next friday. Need something from him?"- „I do yes. The world is going to end and we need to stop it!"

-„Yeah right!" Peter laughed and when he had stopped he said,- „You really are going insane Egon! The world is ending! Oh no we're all going to die! Do you even hear yourself? It's pathetic. Gozer's gone Egon! Do realise that?" -„B-B-but...."

-„No buts Egon. You heard me! And I'm pretty sure Ray and Winston would tell you the same."

Egon turned at the spot and walked out of the warehouse not bothering to close the door. -„Close the door behind you Egon!" were the last words he heard from Peter. When Egon arrived at his apartment he sat down at the couch sighing. If they won't help him he would do it himself.


Jonathan's Pov:

-„And in the night of the next Thursday I set my plan in action." Egon ended his story and Jonathan sat there in shock. He understood why Egon would leave the Ghostbusters behind if they were like this.

-„Who exactly is Gozer?"- „Well it's a Sumerian God or Godess." -„How can it be a god a godess at once?"- „It's neither. It can take both forms." -„I see. And it's coming back. Great. When's the apocalypse?" -„2021." -„You mean in 13 years?" -„Yes" -"Isn't that a lot of time?" -"No it's not.It might seem like that but 13 years are not much time if you have to invent and construct a trap powerful enough to capture Gozer." -"I see. Just so you know father, everything you say doesn't seem very believable...." -"So you don't believe me?" -"Of course I believe you! And I would have told you that if you hadn't interrupted me." -"Oh sorry." -"No problem. What I wanted to say was that the whole story was to complex and confusing for the other Ghostbusters. I'm not saying they're stupid or something. It's just that if I found out something like that and showed it to any person on this planet they wouldn't believe it either. That's not because they don't know who Gozer is, it's because they didn't find out all that information."

-"What a complex and interesting theory." -"One last question father." -"Yes?" -"Are you planning on fighting and trapping Gozer on your own?" -"Well if you help me then no."

jonathan nodded and climbed up the ladder that led to the surface. When he sat down at the table in the livingroom he made the decision to travel to New York. Egon and he wouldn't be able to fight Gozer alone. He grabbed Egon's cellphone that was lying next to him and searched for a contact named Janine. When Jonathan found the contact he wrote down the number and decided to leave in the darkness of the night.

The past is a mystery! (A Ghostbusters story)Where stories live. Discover now