You're Janine?

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When he arrived in New York the next morning, Jonathan was exhausted. After all, he had driven all night. Central Park was right in front of him, so he decided to park his car nearby.

After a search for a parking space that seemed to take forever, he finally managed to park his car and walked relaxed towards Central Park. He would be looking for Janine Melnitz for ages if he didn't have an accurate description of her.

-"Hey! You're Jonathan, aren't you?"

The voice that just called him seemed to be behind him, when he turned around he saw Janine sitting on one of the park benches. She had a book in her hand, which indicated that she liked to read. A wonderful hobby, but one they didn't share. After all, everything written was dead to Jonathan.

- "If I may be so bold, I would assume that you are Janine Melnitz. Friend of my brilliant father and a secretary by profession, right? At least, that's what Columbia University claims," he said.-"I must say, your description doesn't have a single flaw. I'm not really surprised that you already know so much about me. It was honestly what I expected Egon's son to say." Janine laughs and smiles at him."-"That means you don't want to know how I know you went to Columbia University?", Jonathan asked, confused.

When he used to share such information with his classmates, he would just get stupid looks from everyone, which wasn't very good for Jonathan's self-confidence.

Of course, I'd be interested to know how you know that, and believe me, I'm definitely not going to laugh at you or anything. I swear it even! I realized how similar you and Egon actually are. However, I must insist that you sit next to me Jonathan, if that's okay with you of course."

-I'll hardly be able to refuse this offer," Jonathan said. He took a seat next to Janine. - "So Miss Melnitz..." - "Please, darling, call me Janine, it's much more convenient." - "If that is your wish Janine, then of course I will accept it. So again..., I found out that you studied at Columbia University, because I studied there as well. I have earned three doctorates there, which I must admit I am very proud of. As you might imagine Janine, I was one of their best students, so they gave me access to lists of all the ex-students. I found both my father and you Janine there this afternoon. If I had looked any further I probably would have come across more Ghostbusters, right?"

- "Indeed you would, young man. Both Ray Stantz and Peter Venkman studied there. As far as I know, Winston didn't study at any university and is now, ironically, quite rich and successful. But now let's get down to the serious stuff Jonathan Spengler!" Janine spoke the last sentence in a way that made the hairs on the back of Jonathan's neck stand up. - "Okay?"

- "Now listen to me. I know exactly what you're planning and I also know that you're just as stubborn as Egon Spengler himself is. So, unfortunately, I can't dissuade you. But I can still warn you! What you're planning is impossible and I'm telling you, the Ghostbusters won't be together again until one of them dies! They are even more stubborn than you will ever be! And yes, I'm talking about your father too. So please be careful when you talk to them, you have no idea how pissed off Ray is at your father. Do you get that Jonathan?"

-I understood completely, Janine," Jonathan replied in his usual unemotional manner. - "That's good. So let's talk about your stay while you're here in New York, dear. Winston was way too generous again and bought me a house a few months ago. I probably could never have afforded one myself. Anyway, this house has a guest room with its own bathroom. I'm offering you this room and let's face it, it's hard to find anything better Jonathan." - "If it's really not an inconvenience for you Janine, then I would gladly accept this offer. Besides, you're probably right, I really won't find anything better," Jonathan replied.

After storing the other Ghostbusters' contact information in his phone, they both made their way to Jonathan's car. - "My house is a few blocks away, so I walked today. I don't own a car anyway and mostly use public transportation. However, you are very much in possession of a car and a nice one no less." -Ehh, thanks. Not many have found my car beautiful to be honest. Since it's from the 80's most think it's just a piece of junk. Still drives pretty good though. I'm not really that interested in cars, so I don't really care what I drive." - "Well young man for me it is sort of my youth. The '80s were pretty good if you don't include giant marshmellow men and Carpathian tyrants." - "Tyrants from Carpathia? That's news to me..." - "That's a story for another day, dear! Egon will surely tell it to you one day and if not he can manage his damn bills himself and he can also take care of the budget by himself!" - "So you take care of the money!" - "Exactly, dear."

A few minutes later, the two arrived at Janine's house and Jonathan parked very carefully in Janine's garage. After the two got out of the car and arrived at Janine's front door she said, "I must say you drive just like Egon, dear." - "Um is that good or bad? I hope my driving wasn't too horrible and I apologize if you felt any stress or discomfort during it!" - "On the contrary Jonathan! If I meant that you drive just like Egon then that was a compliment! You both obey every speed limit and traffic rule ever invented, so it may take longer than if Peter were driving, but it's a lot more relaxing." She smiled at him and Jonathan sighed with relief.

- "Thank you for the compliment Janine. By now I don't even notice that I obey all traffic rules and speed limits, it seems to work automatically." He grinned a little ashamed and scratched the back of his head. - "Well, dear. Why don't you come in. It's getting late and we could order in. Tomorrow you can take care of your plan, which, by the way, I still don't think is a good idea, you stubborn scientist Jonathan!"

After dinner was both ordered and eaten, Jonathan headed to his guest room and thought about how to approach his plan. He could hardly approach them on the street without warning and ask them if they would like to help his father save the world from a Sumerian god or goddess. If he had understood Janine correctly, then they were quite angry with Egon. He therefore decided to call them first, but for a different reason than the one he had come here for in the first place, and then arrange a personal conversation with them and then address the issue during the conversation.

With this plan in mind, Jonathan got ready for bed and then after a few minutes fell into a rather restless sleep.

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