A look into the past

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The next day Jonathan and the mayor looked at the school.The mayor showed him the school and when they were outside he asked -"And? You wanna teach here?" -"Well", I answered,-"Why not?"

Jonathan looked at him and smiled slightly. -"Wonderful! How about we go back to my office and you sign the contract? Your first day will be in one week. It's still summer holidays, isn't it?" The mayor laughed.

After he had signed the contract Jonathan drove straight home. He didn't particulary like the mayor but he got him a job so he probably should be gratetful. he decided he would ask his father about his opinion when he got home. He opened the door and saw that his father was sitting on the table in the livingroom looking on some papers. He walked nearer to see what was written on the paper and to his suprise he saw several equations and drawings of the farm.

Egon noticed that Jonathan was looking at the notes he made. -"Do you know how to solve this Jonathan?" -"Where's your problem father?" -"Well, I have to get this immense electrical power through those silos and those wires until it reaches this lever." -"Why would you need to build something like that if you're a farmer?" -"A farmer?" Egon laughed.

-"Me? A farmer? Really?" Jonathan said confused,- "Yes? You live on a farm so I assumed that you are a farmer." -"I am not a farmer Jonathan. I am a scientist." -"Wait really? I'm a scientist too. Now I understand why you'd build that. For an experiment am I right?" -"Uhm y-yes. Exactly. I need it for an experiment."

Jonathan had a feeling that those words weren't true but he didn't care. He sat down next to Egon after Jonathan had made them coffee and looked at Egon's equations as concentraded as he could. After 10 minutes he had found the mistake and pointed it out to Egon.

-"You misplaced the plus here. It has to be were this minus is." Egon took the paper out of his hand and looked at the spots Jonathan had pointed out. -"Your right! How didn't I notice that? It's so obvious." He smiled at Jonathan, proudly. That moment he realised what his mother had written in her letter. "He's too much like his father."

When he first saw his father he thought that his mother had to be insane to think such a thing. Apart from our looks they seemed to have nothing in common. But now that he had found out that his father is a scientist Jonathan understood her words. They really were like each other.

Jonathan smiled back at his father. -"Before I forget to ask you father. What's your opinion about the mayor?" -"Well, he's ok but I don't particulary like him." -"I see....."

Several years ago....

Rays POV:

He walked towards the warehouse Winston bought us from the money he earned trough his company. When he turned the key in the lock and looked inside Ray was shocked.

The Ecto-1, some suits, all the ghost traps and some other stuff had disappeared. Ray quickly closed the door behind him and ran to the next telephone box and called Peter.

-"Peter you won't believe what I just saw!" -"What did you see Ray?" -"The Ecto-1, all the ghost traps and much more is gone! You didn't steal them, did you?"

After a pause Peter Venkman said, -"You're accusing me? I didn't steal them! I was with Dana the whole day! We were visiting Oscar! And if you don't believe me then ask them!" -"I believe you Peter. I'll call Winston. Bye Peter." -"Bye."

Ray hung up and called Winston. -"Winston Zeddermore, how can I help you?" -"Wiston!" -"Ray? Why are you calling me?" -"You won't belive what I just saw! Someone stole stuff out of the warehouse!" -"WHAT?? Who would do such a thing? You can't blame me! I was at the company the whole day. Maybe you should call Egon. He'll know how to solve this." Winston hung up.

Ray wasn't sure if he should call Egon. He had been so unpredictable the last months. He scared Ray with his theory about the coming end of the world. HE called Egon but he wouldn't answer even after he had called him several times. That meant he left his arparment and his office, because he had called both those numbers.Ray had also called his cellphone but no luck.

He realised who stole our stuff and Ray was furious! Egon really stole their stuff. That was so unlike him. Ray remembered that he always had been a polite, friendly and smart friend. Ray couldn't believe it.

Later that day he met Peter and Winston at a restaurant and told them what he figured out. Like him they couldn't believe it.

Later they went to Egon's aparment and when they asked his neighbour about his whereabouts he told them that he saw him grabbing his stuff and running out of his aparment this morning. He also told them that when he talked with the landlady today she told him that Egon moved out. They were shocked and couldn't think of a reason for Egon to move out his aparment and when they found out that he had resigned from his job they concluded that he had gone completly crazy and decided to never talk about him again.

The past is a mystery! (A Ghostbusters story)Where stories live. Discover now