Back to New York

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The next day.... Jonathan took his suitcase, wrote a note for Egon and after a quick breakfast he walked out of the house and got into his car. Yesterday had made one thing clear for him, the world would end if they couldn't stop it. So he decided to try convince the other Ghostbusters, his chances of success were low but that didn't matter, Jonathan wanted to help his father and he would!

Since they lived in the ages of ,well, modern but not so modern technology,he decided not to call this Janine in the car since that would be stupid,incredibly stupid. When Jonathan stopped at a restaurant to eat something after he had driven for hours he finally dialed the number of this Janine. -„Janine Melnitz, what's your problem?"

Jonathan thought she sounded pretty annoyed but it didn't irritate him. He hadn't lived in Summerville for a long time but some of the residents of Summerville had started commenting him and his actions behind Jonathan's back. Most of them sounded annoyed and even disgusted of his presence, but normally he didn't care. He still wanted to punch everyone in this stupid town since they made fun of Egon, but he told Jonathan that he should just ignore it like he did.

So he asked carefully, -„Do you happen to know the Ghostbusters telephone numbers? Well not all of them...."

-„Why?" He was cut of by Janine's sharp voice. -„'s personal and I cannot and will not tell you the reason since you would probably alert my father Dr.Egon Spengler."

Jonathan heard Janine gasp at the other end. It looked like she aswell didn't know Egon had a son, the same as Egon did when they had first met each other. After 2 minutes Janine finally got a hold of herself. -„Look I can't promise anything dear. If my thought is correct then I know exactly what you are planning to do. Let me give you an advice young man, don't!!"

-„You don't really see the importance of this, do you Ms.Melnitz? Just give me the numbers and it's done, but please don't tell father." -„Ok fine, maybe I really don't understand the matter young man, but I can't just give you the numbers without you having a place to stay!"-„It's ok! I have some money with me, well this teacher job in Summerville doesn't pay well but it should be enough for a motel of something."

-„If you're in any way like Egon then forget the motel! Either your money management is shit or you hate motels as much Egon does. Look dear I'll make you an offer. We'll meet in the central park and...."-„But Ms.Melnitz? You don't know when I'll arrive!" -„I know Sweetie but I'll wait until you come. Besides I'd guess you started driving early in the morning and will arrive tomorrow. You'll recognize me quite easily. I have red glasses and short grey and red hair. What about you? How do you look, so I can recognize you?"-„Like my father but younger, way younger! And I wear a suit if that helps. To be honest I seldom don't wear a suit."-„Sounds like you and Egon are alike. I guess I'll see you tomorrow young Spengler!"

-„Good afternoon Ms.Melnitz."-„Good afternoon dear." They both hung up.

Janine's Pov:

The call had ended. Now she knew Egon had a son. And this kid probably lived with him to... But for how long?

He said he teaches at Summerville's middle school. A nasty and idiotic job if his talents are somewhere near Egons. He'd be better of with something scientific. Even if he teaches science that wouldn't satisfy his interest and he's bad at teaching, no not bad at teaching, bad with people.

To be honest she's quite sure that this young man is a exact copy of his father. Janian had to admit that she was genuinely worried about one, no both of them and she hoped that they don't do something completely idiotic. Well, Egon's boy is on the best way of doing something incredibly stupid!!! She knew exactly who he wanted to get back together and it's gonna be a nightmare for that young man.

Janine wasn't sure if she should call Egon and first yell at him for not telling her he had a son and second scold him, why he had told his boy about the Ghostbusters, if Egon's kid hadn't figured that out by himself she guessed instead of Egon telling him, and third inform him was his son was doing right now, but Janine decided against it. Let's see what his son's like she guessed.

Jonathans Pov:

He decided he liked Janine, not because of her bossy personality, but because she seemed to genuinely care about Jonathan. He hadn't had much people in his past that cared about him, in fact only the caretakers of the orphanage seemed to have ever cared about Jonathan.Even his mother abandoned me. He never had friends and didn't really plan on changing that, but maybe having Janine as something similar to a friend would be good for his isolated and sometimes emotionless ass. After Jonathan had eaten he walked back to the car and was certain that he wouldn't be able to get any sleep tonight because he had to drive trough the night in order to be in New York the next morning. Jonathan knew that the opportunity Janine gave him was better than motels. He didn't tell her but she was right, he hates motels. Jonathan just hoped she won't tell Egon.

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