Comfort Place

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It was a long day today. I close the car door and enter the elevator for our house. It has been so tiring today that my feet were aching badly. I couldn't wait till I reached home to take off my heels so I take them off in the elevator itself and walk upto our apartment barefoot. Cold floor has a soothing effect on my aching feet.
I lie down in our bed after washing up and eating something. I'm in my most comfy shorts and camisole when exhaustion just washes over me. I stretch my body in the bed trying to relieve the knots in my body.
It's been quite some time, last couple of years maybe, when I just can't fall asleep immediately after lying down no matter how tired I am. So, it has kind of become my ritual to put on some soothing music to lull me into sleep.

As I'm lying down in my bed with a hand over my eyes trying to fall asleep, I hear the sound of front door opening and closing. I don't get out of bed thinking it must be Tae because it's around 7pm and that's usually when he comes home. I hear the sound of refrigerator opening and closing and now I know it is him. It is his thing to drink apple juice as first thing when he comes home.
I'm still lying with my eyes closed when I hear him say, "If you want, you can hear this song live from me on the loop." This makes me smile because I realise that it is Winter Bear which has been playing on loop. I take my arm off my eyes, put on my glasses and look at him standing leaning against the doorway, barefoot still in his work clothes bathed in the yellow light of the room. He gives me a knowing smile as he feel my eyes resting for longer than normal on his bare feet. He knows that I have a weakness for his bare feet.
I open my arms wide for him to come to me. As he does, I hold my arm up for him to pull me up. He sits by my side, I put my hands around his neck and just hug him with whatever energy I have left in my body. As I pull away, I put my mouth to his ear and whisper, "But I need your mouth to be doing other things. And I hate it when my songs are interrupted." This makes him smile and his smile makes me blush. And he says hello with the most toe curling kiss I have ever had.
"Your lips are a little salty. I can taste it." I tell Tae. "Yeah. I didn't get to shower after the practice today.", he replies. "Hmm." I lick my lips, tasting the sweat.

He gets up to shower and change. While he's showering, I try to clean up my clothes a little bit which I had left lying around in the closet after I came home today. "I didn't get to see you before you left for work today. When did you go?" Tae asks me from the shower. "Oh yeah... actually I got a call about an emergency C-sec at around 5 in the morning today. So.. yeah, I think I left at around 5:30 or so. I left you a note." I reply. "Yeah. I saw that. On the night stand. How did it go? How's the baby?"
"The baby's fine. But since she's premature, we need to keep her in NICU for a while. Otherwise, she's fine. Nothing to worry about."
"That's a relief." I hear Tae say.
"How was your day today? How did the rehearsal go?" I ask him.
"Same as usual. It took a little while to go through today's steps. But it was okay."
"Oh.. new choreo?"
"Yeah. Trying out some new things for the new song."
"Hmm.. Don't worry. I'm sure you'll nail it. Like always. Right, what do you wanna eat? I'll order while you're in the shower?" I ask him.
"Yeah. Sure. Do you wanna eat anything specific?"
"No.. I'm not craving anything particular. I think I'll like ice cream though."
He then tells me what else to order and how much.. because I am terrible at guessing the quantity of food we'd need. I always end up ordering too much or too less.

I'm sitting on the floor by the couch in the living room when Tae comes in his grey cotton pajamas and black t-shirt. He sits beside me on the couch and I lean my head against his leg. His hand starts playing with my hair and my hand ends up drawing circles on his foot. I was watching Netflix and 20 minutes pass just like that with little conversations scattered in between when the doorbell rings. I guess it is our food.
"I'll get it." Tae gets up and opens the door. It turns out to be Namjoon oppa at the door. He lets him inside.
I get up from the floor and say hello to him and then go to our room to wear something else as I was still in my camisole. I brush my hair and tie it up in a ponytail. When I come out, food is aleady there and they are seated on our dining table in the kitchen. I get a bottle of wine and two glasses and set them next to oppa and Tae. As I take the seat next to Tae, he looks at me and raises his eyebrow at me giving me an appreciative look which makes me blush. He noticed that I was wearing one of his shirts right now. He chuckles slightly and turns toward oppa. He likes it when I wear his clothes.

Dinner was pretty uneventful, we talked and laughed and then I cleared out the table. Tae told me he and oppa have something to discuss. I said I'll be in study as I have go over some study material for tomorrow. I turn around to get coffee to put in my cup of boiling water but when I turn back Tae has already put a tea bag in my cup. He looks at me reproachfully. He's been trying to get me to give up my night decaf as he feels that it is one of the reasons why I cannot sleep just immediately in bed. I shrug and pout at him apologetically.
About half an hour later, I come out and see Tae and Namjoon oppa discussing this solo track Tae has been trying to complete for their new album. I scoop out some ice cream and leave two cups for them on their table. Oppa smiles and thanks me and Tae puts a hand around my waist and squeezes it lightly as I'm going back out. It makes my breath hitch for a second. Even a touch as simple as that, always manage to make me breathless for a moment or two.

I get back to my notes in the study. I'm trying very hard not to doze off as this is very important for tomorrow. I have never managed such preterm baby.. around 28 weeks. So, I don't wanna miss out on anything. I was just going over final page when suddenly the pencil holding my hair in bun drops and I turn around quickly only to realize that it is Tae who just pulled it out. I hadn't realize how much time had passed. "Where's Namjoon oppa? Did he leave? I didn't get to say goodbye to him." I ask Tae. "He just left.. It's fine. You didn't have to. He knows you have early shift at hospital tomorrow. It's almost 11:30, are you not done yet for the day?" He says. I hold up my hand indicating him to give me just five minutes.
As soon as I turn over the final page, Tae swirls my chair around so that I'm sitting on the chair facing him and he's leaning against the table. I couldn't help but stare at this man. He is looking so droolworthy, standing tall with hair falling in curls over his eyes and that little freckle on his nose which always melts my heart. I just want to jump and wrap my legs around him but he beats me to it by picking me up koala style and I bury my head in the crook of his neck and kiss his collarbone lightly as he walks us back to our bedroom. His one hand is under my butt and other is in my long waist length hair. "You do it purposefully, no, wear my shirt, walk around looking like that?" Tae says to me in that sexy bedroom voice of his.
"Looking like what?"
"Like a sexy woman."
His fingers are sliding up and down the side of my body, sometimes outside and sometimes inside of my shirt. I can feel a trail of goosebumps on my skin.
"What about you, walking barefoot and then those little touches and now this sexy voice?" I retort. He laughs and sits on the bed with me on his lap. "God, I love your hair." He says as he twists my hair in his fist gently.
"You know, when I looked at you working, immersed in the process of making a song, I was so proud of you. I could look at you all day working like that."
He smiles and blushes at the praise. I remember feeling in awe of his passion and how I get to call this amazing human being mine. I pull his chin up and kiss him hard on the lips. His hands come up and hold the back of head and I can feel the power shifting. He takes control of the kiss and his tongue slides into my mouth. He is claiming everything that is inside of me as if it belonged to him only in the first place. I can not pull away even if I want to. He breaks the kiss and puts a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"And I couldn't help but wonder how hard you work when you didn't even realise that I was standing right behind you just now. After whole day of hospital you still have strength to go study. That's what is truly remarkable to me." I look down and blush at his words. I mean, I don't have an option but to do this. It's about that baby's health.
"I still sometimes have a hard time believing that you very willingly give what limited time you are left with, to me just to make me feel loved. It's seriously an honor." I look at him in disbelief.
"Now you're just trying to show off with your poetry skills. Who phrases it like that?" I blush at his words.
"I do. And I genuinely feel like that. It's not poetry." He pouts looking at me.
I press my lips on his once more. "I love you. More than and before everything."
"Ditto." He smiles and envelopes me in his bear hug.
I smile as I hug him back and marvel for a second at this small, cozy world we have been able to create for ourselves with everything going on around us. Maybe it was tea or my heart which was so full right now but that night, I didn't need music to lull me to sleep, just Tehyung's bedroom voice and his little kisses were enough.

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