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I enter into the bedroom and turn on the night lights. I go towards the other side of bed and  bend down to the level of Taehyung's sleeping figure. I gently brush his hair and whisper softly, "Wake up."
He stirs in his sleep and grunts but doesn't open his eyes.
"Wake up, Tae. We should leave in half an hour if we want to be on time." I try again.
He again grunts and mumbles hoarsly, "Come here." He encloses my hand on his cheek in his palm and tugs it. I lean closer to his face and he suddenly kisses my cheek.
A smile forms on my lips with his sudden action which turns into a chuckle. I squish both his cheeks with my fingers and plant a smooch on each one.
"Get up." I insist. He still hasn't opened his eyes.

I go towards the window to pull back the curtains. As soon as I pull the curtains back, I hear Tae let out a laugh from behind me.
I turn around with a raised eyebrow.
"Don't you feel bad? You're forcing me to wake up so early. You pulling back the curtains didn't make a single difference in the lighting of the room. It's that early."
I purse my lips at his statement not finding it funny at all. "You promised me. You only chose today." I whine.
"Yeah yeah." He groans and rolls to the other side of the bed, burying himself in mattress again. "Just give me five more minutes."

I sigh and walk towards him, "We are leaving in 30 minutes. So, I want you downstairs by then. Just keep that in mind." I press my lips on his temple. "I'm going to the kitchen."

I hear a muffled "Yes, ma'am" as I make my way out of our bedroom.

I stop in my tracks. He won't wake up. So, I put an alarm for after 5 minutes in my handphone and put it on his side table. This will wake him up.

So, after much insistence on my part and much resistance on Taehyung's part, we finally decided to watch a sunrise together.  We haven't experienced a sunrise together. No surprise there, as we both are not morning people. Apart from for work, we both rarely get up this early.
We usually watch sunsets together but never a sunrise. So, I really wanted to do this. And after much persuasion, today was decided as we both had easy schedules yesterday, so we were able to turn in early.

We decided to go to Inwangsan before sunrise. It's close and there's just a little hike and the view is incredible where you can see the city also.

I made a little picnic sort of thing for when we will be at the top for sunrise.

I was finishing up the packing when Taehyung enters into the kitchen.
I look at him standing there with his hair falling neatly in curls now, his stubble gone and face clean.
"This is what you're gonna wear?" I ask looking at his clothes. He's in brown trousers and a black jumper.
He looks at me questioningly not getting my point.
"It's just that I'm wearing leggings. Please wear joggers or shorts or something. I'll look like your assistant otherwise."
He laughs at my statement.
"And why would that be so wrong? After all you'll be assistant of V of BTS." He quirks an eyebrow.
"What would be wrong? Nothing. Only that V-ssi of BTS's wife would have busted her ass off for 10 years in a medical school only to be called his assistant." I reply sarcastically.
"Ah.. the privilege V of BTS will never get. To have a doctor for an assistant." He chuckles.
"Well right now, you are Kim Taehyung whose wife's patience is running thin. So you better hurry, right?"
He turns around wordlessly and goes back to change but not before whining once more, "Just remember what all you're making me do so early in the morning."
"Yeah yeah. Now come fast." I yell behind him.

I pack one backpack with all the stuff and Taehyung returns with now grey joggers on.
He lets out a frustrated sigh.
I ignore it and turn to pour my coffee in my travel mug.
He wraps his arms around me and puts his chin on my shoulder.
"Right, can I ask you something?"
I nod. "What is it?"
"How mad would you be if I say now that maybe we should postpone the plan because I'm feeling sleepy?"
An angry comment is about to leave my lips but I clench my teeth to stop myself from saying those words. Instead I just say softly, "Why don't you try saying it and we'll see my response? Huh?"
He chuckles at my borderline threatening voice and pokes my clenched jaw, "Unclench your jaw, angry Pooh bear. I was just kidding."
He swiftly slings the backpack on his shoulder and gives me his boxy smile showing all his teeth.
He holds my hand, dragging me towards the door, "Let's go. I'm excited now. Let's go see your beautiful sunrise."
A smile comes on my lips seeing his sudden burst of energy and I let him drag me to the car.

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