Lazy Mornings Part 2

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I was studying in the library when my phone's callertune echoes loudly in the silent library. As soon as I hear the words "Lollipop, lollipop" my eyes grow wide in horror and my hand shoots forward to get the handphone out of my bag. Shit. I fumble to put it on silent immediately. I must have flipped the "Silent" to "Ring" accidently. Gosh, it's so embarassing. Everyone looked up from their books. I smile and bow apologetically to the people around me and come out of the library to attend the call.
"Hey, I just got finished with my work. I can come pick you up right now. It'll take me 30 minutes." Taehyung's voice comes from the other side. I didn't even see the caller ID before picking up.
It takes me a moment to register what he's saying as I'm still embarassed because of earlier situation.
"Hello? You there?" He asks when I don't reply immediately.
"Ahh.. yes. I'm right here. Sorry. Yeah. You're done for the day?" I ask.
"Yeah. I told you I'll get free early today." He replies.
Ahh.. yes. He told me in the morning.
"Right. Actually... The thing is, I'm just left with few pages of the chapter. It'll take me around 1-2 hours. So, I was thinking I should finish that."
I say hesitantly, knowing very well that Taehyung was very serious when he told me to take a half day off today.
"But we decided you'd take a break today." I hear him argue.
"I know.. I know. But it's just I'm in the zone right now. I promise I'll come home after that. I'd still reach home by 5. That's fair enough, no?" I try to reason.
"I don't know...I was just saying that for your health only."
"I know.. I promise I'll be home by 5. You should go. I'll come. Seriously." I insist.
"Okay. Then I'll pick you up at 4:30."
"But you're free now. Go home. I'll come on my own."
"No. I promised to pamper you today. I'll wait."
"But you didn't make such promise. And you must be tired too."
"I promised myself and that's the same thing."
I sigh.
"Yah.. Jungkook-ah just told me that he's going for his boxing session. I'll go with him. Then I'll come pick you up."
I try to say something but he just keeps on going, "I'm going. I'll be at your college in one and a half hour. Remember. See you. I love you."
And he disconnects the call before I can say anything.
I release a sigh. He never listens to me. Once he makes up his mind, then no matter how much he has to wait or how much he has to bend his schedule, he'll always keep his word. Pabo bear.
I go back to just get done with the chapter quickly, so that Tae doesn't have to wait too much. Though I really don't think he'd mind now. He really likes watching Jungkookie box. He finds it fascinating.

I text Taehyung to tell him I'm almost done. He texts me back saying that he'll be here in a while.
Should I ask him to invite Jungkookie if he's free? We can have dinner together. He's with him right now, anyhow.
I call Taehyung. "Tae, listen. Why don't you invite Jungkook-ie too? We can have dinner together if he's free. If he doesn't have other plans?"
There's a pause followed by some fumbling on the other side before I hear a voice, "Noona.. Taehyung-ie hyung... wants you all by himself today...". There's a lot of shuffling on the other side, so I'm barely able to understand what Jungkookie is saying. "So... I don't think... it'd be nice of me to ruin his plan, noona." Jungkook continues. I can hear Taehyung's vocie also interspersed in between Jungkook-ie's.
"Yaahh Jeon Jungkook.. I'm not your noona. We are same age!!" I retort back. He always teases me by calling me noona. I'm not his noona. We are both 97 liners. I'm just 6 months older than him.
I hear his sing-songy voice yell "whatever" from far.
Tae's panting voice comes from the receiver, "You heard it. He said no. Wait for me. I'll come quickly. Yah, Jeon Jungkook, come here...."
He again cuts the call before I can say something else. I shake my head. Boys..

We went grocery shopping after Taehyung picked me up. I decided to make his favourite meal for tonight. He insisted that it should be my break but I wanted to pamper him because it was his break too today.
Once we are home, I get to cooking. Tae sits in front of me on the kitchen shelf, and starts telling me about his day. He has this super adorable habit to follow me around while I'm working. He keeps the conversation going. And it doesn't make me feel like I'm working alone in kitchen. I love him for doing this.

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