No Judgements Part 1

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We had our monthly physical check ups scheduled for this time of month. We will be starting with the promotion of our album soon, so it is necessary to get full body check ups done before everything starts. Jimin and I decided to get it done today as we have space in our schedules. With different subunit shoots, we all have different free periods of time.
We got our physicals done and when we were free to leave, I stopped Jimin.
"Shall we go see Seri? She must be in her ward right now. We can say hi really quickly and then we'll go back?"
"She works in this hospital?" Jimin looks at me bewildered.
I smack his arm, "Of course. I've told you so many times. How can you not know?"
"Oh.." A look of realisation comes on his face. "I always confuse between KSH and SMC. They both have Samsung in it. She works here.. oh."
I turn towards our manager, "Is it okay if I go see her?"
My manager nods his head, "Just put on mask and hat properly. I don't think anyone in a place like hospital will care. Everyone is pretty occupied with their own stuff already."
I bow in thanks and drag Jimin with me after telling manager nim that we'll meet him in the parking in half an hour. I make my way towards the fourth floor of her department.
Seri's ward is Ward No. 6. She always says ki she feels lucky to be in this ward as this is her lucky number too. It somehow clicks for her.

As we enter the ward, I look for the Duty Room, "That's where Seri usually is." I tell Jimin.
"Do you come here often?" He looks at me surprised.
I slide my hands in my pockets, "Not often but I've been here a couple of times when Seri got really late. I somehow don't feel comfortable with her coming home alone late at night when she gets late. Because her late is 1 or 2am at night."
Jimin nods, understanding what I'm saying.
I look around but I'm unable to spot it. So I decide to ask at the nursing station. I pull my mask tighter around my face and pull my hat down.

As I'm about to step up to the nursing station, a group of doctors and nurses exit the room on the left. Jimin and I take a step back to let them pass. I notice Seri in the group but she's busy looking at the papers in her hand, so she doesn't notice me.
Just before they are about to enter the next room, the one who's looking like a senior doctor stops and asks them, "Who was on the ward duty yesterday?"
Seri raises her hand a little in response.

I cannot make out exactly what they are saying but it feels like their rounds are going on, maybe we should go. I tug Jimin's arm lightly indicating that maybe we should leave.
Just as we are looking for our way out, we hear loud voice of the senior doctor.

"I would know if you are lying about being a day scholar. I live in the campus hostel too. I can very well notice if I see you roaming around the campus."
I pause in my tracks when I hear Seri's soft voice replying, "I do have a room in the hostel but I don't stay there. I actually go home after every duty like I said. How can you just ASSUME that I'm lying?"
I can see the expression on the senior's face darkening.
"Is this how you're supposed to behave? First you lie about being a day scholar just to get out of duties and then you are also talking back to your senior."
She did not lie. She actually comes home every day. She has hostel room just for emergency situations for when she gets just a couple of hours break in between her duties.
Her senior doctor continues, "This is not how a medical college works. You have to respect your seniors and your colleagues. You cannot learn if you'll run away from your duties."
I can see Seri's face from where I'm standing. She's looking down at the floor continuously without moving at all.
The senior doctor continues, "Don't expect me to help you learn if this is how you are going to behave. Shameful. If you don't want to learn then I'm also fine with it. People like you will never learn if you'll just focus on finding ways to cut corners. I'll get my paycheck whether you are taught or not. It's fine by me. This is how those quacks of a doctor are made who you find sitting at street corners."
My temper rose after hearing those last words. That was just mean.

After saying all that bullshit, that senior doctor just turns around to continue the rounds.
Seri is left standing there looking down at the floor and I can see the tears running down her face. They are falling down her cheeks non stop. She wipes her nose hurriedly.
I start taking steps towards her but i feel someone grab my arm. I turn around annoyed. It is Jimin. I look at him questioningly.
"Don't you think she'll feel more embarassed if she sees that you witnessed this? Not to mention me being here too."
"But she didn't do anything wrong. She was just harassed."
"I know. But she was just humiliated in front of the entire ward. I don't think she"ll feel comforted knowing her husband saw her getting humiliated too."
I understand what Jimin is trying to say. So, i just take a step back.

Seri quickly wipes her tears and take deep breaths to calm herself down. She's trying so hard to control her tears from falling. She's still hicupping. She's seriously upset.
Jimin tugs at my arm slightly. I release a sigh and turn around to return to the parking lot.

Once I reach the parking lot, I decide to text Seri. Just a normal text. To gauge her condition.
"Hey.. how is it going?"

I'm staring at the message waiting for her reply. I hope she's okay. She was scolded for no apparent reason. She actually is so hard working. I cannot believe that her senior could say all that to Seri out of all people. How many times has Seri come home late even when she's supposed to get free by 9. Even after whole day of work, I see her with her books. She's never late in the morning and she's so helpful sometimes that it feels to me like people might be taking advantage of her. And she is a really diligent doctor. How could that woman just say all those things non stop? I'm feeling angry that she said all that to Seri.

I come out of my thoughts as I see a read sign appears on the text.
"It's going okay. Normal. Usual stuff." I receive her reply. I purse my lips.
I immediately receive another text from her. "What are you doing?"
"Oh.. same. Usual stuff." I reply. I release a sigh.
Maybe I should call her. I send her another text, "Are you free? Can I call you?"
"Umm.. sorry. I'm actually kind of busy right now. Cannot talk. Rounds just got over. I should finish up the ward work." She replies.
"Oh.. okay. No worries. I just wanted to hear your voice. That's all." I text back.
"Sorry. I'll call you when I'll have a break, okay?"
"Yeah. Take care please." I text her back.
":-). You too." I receive her reply.

I sigh and put my head against the headrest.
Jimin touches my hand lightly. I come out of my reverie.
I hadn't realised that we have already reached the company back.
"Just make her smile today, okay? I'm not sure if she'd wanna discuss what happened but giver her space to bring it up herself. And don't worry. She's strong."
I nod my head slightly at his words. He's right. I rub my face with my hands in annoyance. Stupid seniors. In every profession. Always asserting their dominance for no apparent reason.

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