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I wake up to the sound of ringing alarm. I look at the time, it's 5:30 am. I get up quickly. We have OT today. I need to reach hospital by 7 to prepare for OT list. I take a shower quickly and dress up for the day. Just then doorbell rings. I run downstairs to open the door. It's our house help. I greet her and tell her about the menu for the day. It's already 6:15. I run back upstairs. I enter the bedroom quietly and try to not make any noise while collecting my stuff. Before going out, I look at sleeping figure of Taehyung. I bend down and kiss his cheek before wiping it off with my fingers. I whisper quietly, "I'm leaving. I'll see you tonight. I love you."
I write down a note saying the same and paste it on the side table.
I come downstairs and tell the house help to please ensure that Taehyung has things he likes to eat after he wakes up. And to not disturb him till atleast 11am-12 noon. And call me if anything happens. She assures me that she'll take care for things. I thank her once again. I just take one roll of Gimbap with me while leaving. I look at my watch. It's 6:30. I just have half an hour.

The morning passes in a blur. It's already 1 pm before I am able to take a breather. I open my phone and look at the messages. I open the ones from house help. She texted me saying that Taehyung left without having much breakfast. And that she tried to tell him to eat but he just took few bites in a hurry and then left. I text her back, thanking her for trying.
I'm about to ask Taehyung if he has eaten anything when I'm called in the OT. I release a frustrated sigh. I send the text to Tae, urging him to atleast have one proper meal in the whole day. Then I rush to the OT without waiting for the reply.

I get a surprise as I reach OT. Professor tells me that I can assist her in today's surgery. Even though I'm first year resident, but because we have time and OTs are running smoothly, so she said that I can have my first surgery today. She will guide me through the steps. I couldn't believe my ears. I was so excited. I thanked her for giving me this opportunity. I felt really giddy. I quickly go through the steps of the surgery from the textbook so that I don't make stupid mistakes. I wash up for the surgery. I end up  making a few mistakes because this is my first time but my professor helps me through them. She was really satisfied considering that this was my first time. She complimented me on my precision. I felt a little proud. It felt like a good day. I cannot wait to tell Tae about this. This is a big deal. Everyone, nurses and my co residents, they all congratulate me for my first surgery. They ask for a treat later in the day and I couldn't refuse them since this is a ritual kind of a thing. Every successfull first procedure by any resident is celebrated with a dinner. So we all decide to go to Itaewon for dinner after wrapping things up in the hospital.


I wake up at around 11am. My manager's call wakes me up. I look on the other side of bed, it's empty. She must have left already. Then i remember, of course, it's already 11am. She must be very busy by now. I roll around in bed, stretching. Today also we have packed schedule. I have to leave by 12 and I think I'll not be able to come back home before midnight. It's been so hectic since last few days, both with me and Seri. We have barely been able to spend time with each other. But it's just that period of time. Once it'll be over, then I'll be able to make much more time for her.
My gaze falls on the note on the side table. Her handwriting is pretty. I look at the note for a moment and then place it in the bottom drawer along with other sticky notes that I've collected.
I brush and take a shower. She has left me a couple of other sticky notes throughout the house. I love her so much. I smile looking at all these cute little messages. She always makes me feel like that she never forgets me in any moment of her day. She somehow has the capability of making me part of her littlest of things. It makes me feel loved beyond compare.
I look at the time. I've already received text from my manager that he'll be coming to pick me up soon. I get ready quickly and rush downstairs. I greet our house help. She tells me to eat breakfast before leaving. But I'm already late. So, I just take few bites of breakfast and pick up my milkshake before rushing out of the house. Once I'm in the van, I send Seri a funny face and tell her to not worry and enjoy her day at work. I also tell her that I'll not be able to come back home before midnight, so she shouldn't wait up for me and finish her day regardless of mine.

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