Unconditional love

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I am sitting in a conference room at Taehyung's workplace lost in my own thoughts. I came here because we made plans to have dinner tonight at a restaurant after his rehearsals are over. He is running a little behind the schedule, so here I am waiting for him to finish.
I was so lost in my thoughts, looking outside the window, at the Seoul tower, that I don't realise when Yoongi oppa comes and sits on the couch. I come out of my reverie when I hear him call my name. I immediately say hello and bow. I am feeling a little embarassed that he caught me zoned out. He looks at me as if trying to figure something out. I am so embarassed that I just look down apologetically. Suddenly he speaks up, "Do you want coffee? Let's go to the cafeteria and get ourselves a cup ."
I politely nod and stand up taking my bag following him.
"Taehyung-ah still needs some time. We're running quite behind the schedule today."
"Yeah." I nod. My voice came out a little groggy so, I repeat myself, a little louder and quicken my steps so that I'm walking beside oppa.

We reach the cafeteria and order Iced Americanos. While we are waiting for the order, oppa looks at me and asks me, "So tell me, why are you looking so lost? What's the matter?"
I shake my head, "Oh.. It's fine. I'm sorry. I was just thinking about something. It's nothing big."
"Obviously it's big. Because if it wouldn't have been, you would have noticed that even staff was looking at you worriedly."
I whip my head towards him after hearing that, shocked that other people saw that.
"Yeah. You didn't even realise that. So tell me."
I open my mouth trying to find right words to say but then I get confused if I should be sharing this with someone or not. I shake my head that I probably shouldn't.
Then oppa gets a call on his handphone and he picks it up. I fiddle with my coffee cup trying to think if I should say something or not. He cuts the call and tells me, "You were looking like a fish underwater just now. Come on. I have something to do in my studio. You can sit there and decide if you feel like talking or not. I'm there to listen if you need someone. Otherwise you can just sit back and relax."
"It's okay, oppa. I'll be okay. I'll disturb you if I am in your studio."
He pats my head and shushes me immediately. "No. You're family. You have been for a long time now. You know things shouldn't be left unsaid. I know, if you could have said it to Taehyung, you would have done it by now. And also, staff won't pry and gossip if you are not in the conference room."
I pout a little because I understand what he is trying to say and follow oppa to his studio.
He gestures me to sit on the couch behind his chair and he starts his setup to begin working.

I don't know how to say it. Time passes while I'm trying to sort my thoughts. Oppa is working on his computer. He doesn't press me again to share.
"Umm.." I try to form words. Yoongi oppa faces me, ready to hear whatever I have to say. I again close my mouth because I don't know if I should be sharing this with anyone. He sees my struggle again.
"Okay. Don't take stress, okay? Take your time. And if you don't know where to start then tell me why you're struggling to share this? I'm not asking what's wrong, just tell me why you are hesitating to tell me."
That's easier to explain. I nod my head and clasp my hands together.
"Okay. Ideally, it is about Taehyung and me both. It's not just about me. I think. Then shouldn't he be the first one to know? But I don't know how to approach this subject because I feel like I will upset him. Or if not upset, I will worry him for sure.
I don't know if I should just deal with it on my own first and then tell him whatever the outcome is or should I tell him from the start."
"It can just be me overthinking stuff also. So if I'm only overthinking, then Taehyung will get worried for no reason. And if it is not, then I don't wanna think about the alternative. I feel like I'll be hurting him either way. I wish this thought wouldn't have entered my mind only. Then it would have spared us a whole lot of trouble. Arghh..
Sometimes I feel being a doctor is a curse. I overthink everything. Arghh.. "
I grasp my hair leaning back. I don't know why this thing came into my mind. Now I cannot shake it off. Murphy's principle is coming to my mind again and again.
"Okay. I think I get what you are trying to say. First, being a doctor is not a curse. Your ability to see all the possibilities is what makes you a good doctor. It's not overthinking, it is just not leaving anything out. So never say that again."
"Second, from what I understand, it's about one of you guys' health. So there's no option of not telling him about it from the start. That's what relationship is. Sharing good and bad. And you are talking about him worrying, what about you? Are you not worried? Who is standing with you right now to support you? How can Taehyung be by your side if you won't tell him what is going on?"
I nod. I get what he's trying to say. "Yeah. You're right but... I don't know."
"And when it comes to health, proactive approach is the best. So, please don't ignore this and tell him about it as soon as possible." Yoongi oppa continues.
"Though I really hope you both are okay. It's nothing serious, is it?"
I shake my head that it's not anything that serious.

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