Sunday Morning

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"I don't want to. Lemme sleep for a while." I pull the sheets back over my head and turn to the other side.
"Come on.. it's already 8. Get up." Taehyung opens the curtains a little.
"No." I pout and bury myself deeper into the sheets.
My side of the bed dips a little and I feel Tae get into the sheets with me. He wraps his hand around my waist and pulls me into his body. I snuggle closer to him. He puts his mouth near my ear and whispers, "Let's go out. Sit on the balcony with a nice cup of coffee. Weather is very nice today. Listen.. You can hear thunder. It might rain." My ears perk up upon listening the word "rain". I turn towards him and wrap my hands around his waist and bury my head in his chest.
"It's not fair. Rain is tempting me to get up but it's my day off today. I'm supposed to be sleeping in. Fifteen minutes. Stay with me like this for fifteen minutes and then I'll get up." I mumble. He chuckles a little, "Okay."

We both end up falling asleep for an hour and when we wake up, it has already started raining. I can hear pitter patter of rain drops against the patio hardwood floor. This already puts me in a good mood for the day. I stretch my body and turn to face Taehyung. His eyes are closed. I give him a peck on his lips. "Good morning." I smile.
"Morning." He mumbles sleepily.
I lean over him to get my glasses from the night stand. I put them on and rest my chin on Tae's chest.
I poke both his cheeks with my fingers. His skin is so soft. There's a little stubble on his face. I stretch his mouth, first to make a smiley face and then a frowning one. I giggle at how squishy his skin is. So stretchable. I was playing with his face when he suddenly turns me over and hovers above me, supporting his body on his elbow.
"What are you doing?" He asks me playfully.
"Nothing. You're just so cute. I love playing with your cheeks. They are so squishy." I stick my tongue out at him. I feel his hand brush against my waist underneath my shirt. It makes me giggle. I'm very ticklish. I look at him in warning, trying to control my laughter. "No. Don't do it. No. Don't touch me there." He better not start tickling me, or I'll kill him.
He removes his hand in surrender.
He falls on me with his cheek resting against my chest. He's heavy but it feels good. "I wanna stay like this. Let's not move for a while."
"You literally pulled sheets off me a while ago telling me to wake up and now you wanna laze around in bed?"
"Your skin is so soft. I can just bury my cheek like this. And you smell so good also."
He nestles deeper into me.
"How about I make you a nice breakfast today? Hmm?" I try to incentivise.
He mumbles something but I don't catch it. He entwines his fingers in mine. I bring both of our hands up and try to get up. But he's just so heavy, I'm barely able to move an inch.
It makes him laugh, my futile effort.
"Get up." I whine.
"Okay. Fine." He finally rolls off me.

I get up and walk over to the glass window. It's very pretty outside. I open the curtains completely. There's not much sunlight because of the rainy weather.
I brush my teeth and shower and then come to the kitchen to deliver on my incentive.
I decide to make a sauteed vegetables, scrambled eggs, toast with butter. I cut a lot of fruits and berries. Then I make some black coffee for myself and milk shake for Tae. As I'm halfway through, he enters the kitchen and looks at all the stuff I made. "You really pulled all the stops, didn't you?" He puts his arm around my shoulder.
"Well, I did promise you, didn't I? Do you want pancakes?"
"Don't you think it's already too much?"
"Answer the question. Pancakes. Are you craving them or not?"
"Yes, ma'am." He kisses me on the temple.
"Okay. Can you please bring the mix and that bowl from the cupboard?" He mock salutes.

I start on the pancakes and he goes and sits at the other side of the kitchen counter. He puts his head on the counter. His hair are all tousled and he's looking sleepy.
I make the batter and dip my little finger in it and taste it. I think it needs more sugar. I ask Taehyung to tell me if it is fine. He puts my finger in his mouth to taste it.
I look at him properly for the first time today. His black hair are falling over his eyes in curls. His eyes are shining and I can see that cute little freckle on his right lower eyelid. His stubble is gone now. His lips have pinkish hue to them which is looking very inviting. He is wearing this black v neck jumper. His collar bones are so defined. My eyes travel back to his face. His eyebrows are bunched up as if he's contemplating something. He looks at me from under his eyelashes and suddenly I get goosebumps all over my body. His eyes looking right at me and his lips around my finger, combined together, I feel like I can just melt. He pulls my finger out of his mouth. My gaze falls on his lips again. So soft and plump.
"I love you." I tell him.
"You didn't hear what I said, right?"
I come out of my trance. I blush so hard. "Sorry. What?"
"I said I think it's fine. And I love you too." He gives me that crooked smile with a raised eyebrow.
I can feel my face heating up.
I shake my head dismissively and try to focus. Everything just seems to flow effortlessly. Tae is putting everything in bowl or plates to set it up on the balcony while I finish making pancakes. I try to make them look like in the movies, with honey dripping down the side.
"I think it looks artisitic enough, yeah?"
I show the plate to Taehyung. He looks impressed. I smile broadly. "I can make it look artisitc but I'm not sure about the taste. You'll just have to endure." I shrug.
"You are not confident with your cooking. But whatever you make usually tastes good only."
"Except for tea and cold coffee."
He laughs. "Yeah. Except for tea and cold coffee."

"You know, I was thinking and I realised something."
"You know, like when we are kids we have this limited point of view. We use the phrase out of site, out of mind in our psychiatry textbooks for that. Like it is a phase of development in a child's life where the things that he sees are what exist for him in this world. Rest do not . As we grow up, our horizon expands and we can relate past, present and future and can see past the visual world. And I think that is what makes us ambitious, that want to reach a goal that we have visualised in our mind which as of yet is not real. But have you ever noticed that when you grow old, how everyone tries to convince you to live "in the moment", to enjoy what is there today and not feel too stressed about tomorrow.
Don't you think that it is oxymoronic kind of thing? Meaning, we become what we become because of expansion of our horizons but for happiness we need to get back to previous developmental stage. It is weird."
I catch Tae looking at me with amused expression.
"What? Did I bore you? I was talking too much, right? It was something random. It just popped into my head."
"No. No. I think what you said actually made sense. I was just thinking what being inside your head feels like. I can never think like that. But it actually is a good perspective."
I shrug. "My head is the most random place. What can I say? That's my personal intellectual statement."
I laugh at my own joke. And he gives me a look which makes me realise that my joke was funny to me only. I roll my eyes in disapproval but i let it slide.
"Maybe that's why they say you need to retain that inner child of yours to actually be happy when you grow up." He says.
"Yeah. But isn't it very difficult what they are asking? Because things have a natural course. One developmental stage has to go for new one to come. Now, we can't have a fully developed heart with the proper seperate arteries and chambers without the dissolution of primordial components first, no?"
"You know that these are medical terms, no? You cannot actually use them in day to day conversations."
"Oh.. whatever. This is how you learn. I'll teach you, little by little. So, you'll get used to them."
"But I don't want to learn only, these medical terms. That's your department."
"But you have to. How else will the world know that you have a doctor wife? Huh? This much is expected out of someone who has a doctor in their family, you know." By the time I finish my sentence, I myself end up smiling at the ridiculousness of my statement. I said it just for the sake of saying it. Taehyung looks at me like he cannot believe what I just said.
"Wahhh.. there was no logic to that statement." He exclaims.
I end up laughing. "Sorry."

He takes the food out on the balcony. And I bring my coffee and his milk shake. I stand by the railing looking at the rain. It's a pretty view. I love the smell when it rains. It somehow always puts me in a refreshing mood. Every thing shines after the rain, it becomes ten times brighter. I love the green color of trees after the rain. I stretch my hand out to feel the rain drops falling on my palm.
Tae comes up behind me and puts his hands on railing on either side of me. I lean back a little so that my head is resting against his shoulder. He slides one hand on my waist.
"This is perfect. I wish I could wake up like this everyday." He says.
"Ditto." I agree. It's perfect.
"You're looking beautiful. I love when you wear this." He whispers and places a kiss on my cheek.
I smile at his complement. "Is it weird seeing me wear saree?"
He shakes his head, "No. Infact, I like this better now. It's very you. Atleast for me. So, it's special."
I smile upon hearing his words. I wanted to preserve this tradition of wearing sarees even in this country. So, even though I can't wear them outside, i try to wear them at home wherever I have free days. I used to love it when my mom used to wear sarees at home. So, i wanted to do the same after growing up.
"Let's eat." He tugs my hand. I feel his warmth leave my body. I also turn around to go sit on the chair.

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