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I snuggle closer into my pillow. I hear alarm somewhere but I don't wanna move, instead I move deeper into the blanket and hug the pillow tightly.
I feel fingers on my forehead. I bury my head deeper into the warm bed trying to fall asleep again. Then I feel fingers cupping my face and I hear a voice very near to my ear saying something to me. I open one of my eyes and suddenly I'm hit with bright light. I immediately shut my eyes forcefully and roll over in bed. I fall asleep again.
Once again alarm rings. I open my eyes and I look at the time, it's 6:30 in the morning. I stretch my body and reach for Taehyung but his side is empty. I hear the sound of shower running. He must be getting ready but I think it's too early for him. I rub my eyes and sit up. I put on my glasses and look around to find a shirt to put on. I see one on the recliner. I put it on and go into the washroom. I brush my teeth and while I'm brushing, Tae comes out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. I look at him in the mirror. "Morning", he says looking at me through the mirror. I try to reply with toothbrush in my mouth. It's barely understandable. He steps closer to me from behind, snakes an arm around my waist and gives me a kiss on the cheek. Water drips all over my right shoulder and face from his wet hair. I smile at him. He takes a step back, and goes into the walk in closet to get dressed.

I finish and then go out to make some morning coffee for myself first. I come back and find him trying to decide on the clothes. "You woke up early. Do you have to reach studio early today?" I ask him.
"Yeah. There's an early morning shoot."
I put my hands on his waist and he turns around to face me. I stand up on my tip toes and kiss him on the lips, properly wishing him good morning in my style. "Good morning." I smile and look up at him. He gives me a dazzling smile in return. I sit down on the couch with my coffee cup and look at Tae getting ready. It's just so easy to look at him moving around, doing his work in the house, even something as simple as getting dressed. He wears a white t shirt and gray pants. He starts going through his shirts.

"Have you seen that blue colored shirt of mine?" He asks me. I try to scan through his clothes with my eyes. I point out 2-3 blue colored shirts but he says he is looking for some other. He turns around trying to think where it might be. Then he starts laughing. "What?" I look at him quizzically. He shakes his head and tells me to look down. "What is it?" I look down. Floor around me is spotless. I look at my feet, there is nothing there. Then my eyes fall on the shirt I'm wearing. "Oops.." it's blue. I clap my hand on my head. "It was on the recliner. I didn't even see if it is fresh or not. I'm so sorry." Then an idea pops in my head. "You want me to take it off?" I try to wiggle my eyes at him but I am so bad at flirting that I end up blushing major time. He closes the distance between us and sits besides me on the couch. "I wouldn't mind it one bit." He looks at me from under his eyelashes while tracing his finger down my chest reaching the top button. I smack his forearm for being so bashful. I keep the coffee cup aside and get up from the couch but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back and I fall down on his lap. A huff escapes my lips. I feel his finger tips running on my thighs. I know what he is doing. He likes teasing a lot. Sliding his tongue out, clenching his teeth and that smirk. I snake my arms around his head, sliding my fingers through his hair. Two can play this game after all. His one hand grips my back and other one slides under the shirt and now his fingers are running along my hips. His fingertips brush alongside the skin of my breasts. I shiver slightly from the sensation. I bring my mouth near his neck and use my tongue to lick that spot behind his ear. I take his ear lobule in my mouth. A moan escapes his lips. His hands now are all over my body. It's becoming too much for me to take.
"It's scary how easy it is for me to lose myself in you." He moans in my ear. My sense are getting fogged.
I don't know who's winning or who's losing in this game anymore. I just want to feel his lips on mine now. I kiss his neck. My mouth moves towards his lips. My lips are just a hair breadth away from his. Almost touching but not nearly there. I trace his lower lip with my tongue. A growl kind of sound escapes his throat and so many things happen at once. His grip on my hips tightens and he turns me so that I'm straddling him completely. He grips the back of my head and crashes his lips to mine. My whole world spins in that one moment. My hands tighten their grip on his hair. His hand travel upwards over my back and I arch my back involuntarily. I move impossibly closer to him until even a ray of sunshine cannot pass from between our bodies. That one moment becomes an eternity before we break apart. I'm breathing so hard. I release his hair from my grip and that breath also which I didn't know I had been holding. I climb off him and put my feet back on the floor, my legs shaking slightly. His touch still leaves me with this craving for more. I have to use every ounce of my courage to move back. I slowly open my eyes. My gaze falls on Tae. He is also breathing hard with his eyes closed. His chest moving up and down and his mouth slightly open. I snap out of my thoughts and I quickly turn around before my body does what it so badly wants to do. I don't wanna end up doing what we did last night first thing this morning again. We both have jobs to go to. I move towards the closet to look through his shirts, to look for another one for him to wear today just so I can buy time to calm my heart down. It's beating so fast. I toss him a white colored shirt and tell him that I'll be in the kitchen after he's done.

I was making sandwiches and some hot soup in the kitchen as one can feel traces of winter in the morning air these days. I cut off the crusts of the bread and pack them. I know he won't have time to eat before leaving home. I have tried to learn how to make a few basic things in the kitchen in the past year. I find that it takes my mind off things and also it gives us some private time as we don't have to call house help early in the morning for this. So, it's been a win-win situation. As I'm packing stuff in a brown bag, Tae enters the kitchen. He's now fully dressed up. White shirt and a white t shirt underneath, gray pants, and his hair are all parted with the middle of his forehead visible. He is wearing his brown leather Cartier watch. I really love this watch of his. It's a classic. He is barefoot. I can never understand why he dislikes wearing shoes so much. He will wait till the absolute last moment when he has no option but to wear the shoes and take them off again the first moment he gets.
"You are looking very handsome. It's a shame other people also will get to see you like this." I sigh a little. He smiles shyly, looking down at the floor.
"What's all this?" Tae points at the bags I've prepared.
"Nothing. Just a little breakfast. For you to share with the boys."
"They actually love it when you send such random stuff for them. They have kind of started looking forward to it." I smile at his statement. He moves around the kitchen top and stands beside me, leaning on the counter. I put a cloth on the table so that his shirt won't touch something dirty on the counter top.
"What's your schedule for today?" Tae asks me.
"Umm.. I'll leave in half an hour. I mostly have OPD and ward duty today. I should get free by 8-9 in the evening. Nothing hectic. Ah.. right. Today's Thursday, right? Our unit has special Thalassemia clinic today. Meaning I'll again get late with my ward work. I don't wanna come home at midnight again. Arghhh... Why is my life like this?" I whine.
"It's okay. Doctors are the coolest people I've seen. You all work such long hours. I seriously don't know how you do this. It's the real effort." He rubs my back trying to calm me down. I realease a sigh.
"Yaaahhh.. what you do is the real effort. I cannot understand how you can do that. All that physical hardwork." I give him a thumbs up sign showing how cool he is. He gives me a "seriously?" look as if I'm exaggerating.
His face brightens up a little suddenly as if he remembered something. "You ran away from there earlier." He smirks at me and takes a step forward, reminding me about my escape.
I turn my face away from him to hide my blushing face. His hand slides on my waist and he slightly pulls me back so that my back is touching his chest. I feel his breath on my neck. I slowly turn around to face him. My gaze falls on his lips. I close my eyes. Few moments pass as I expect him to kiss me again but I feel his lips touching my forehead instead. I hear him chuckle as I open my eyes. "I love you", he whispers, caressing my cheek with his thumb.
"I love you." I smile giving him a kiss on his cheek.
"Now go. You'll be late otherwise." I slide the food bag towards him.
"Yes ma'am." He envelops me in his bear hug one last time before saying goodbye.
I am smiling ear to ear as I enter the bedroom to get ready. I feel like my life can't get any better.

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