listen to the wind blow

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It began innocuously.

From the bustling cafeteria, a lone voice spoke above the crowds. Looking up from your paper, your eyes scan the room. It isn't hard to pinpoint where it's coming from, especially when the voice rises to a shout. Eddie Munson was always a loud person. From the clothes he wore to his curly, messy hair, everything about him was apparent. You only had to look at him to know exactly who he was. His leather jacket and the band shirts he wore made him stick out from the other students in your class. His voice was always booming and his feet were always quick, prancing from one side of the table to the other. Eddie Munson, you knew, was the type of person who didn't belong in Hawkins. Despite being in the year level above yours, you knew of him. A lot of people did. Hawkins High was notorious for rumours running rampant and 'the Freak' was one of the most popular tales. He was the kind of person who wanted attention, good or bad. Perhaps that's why he seems to like being a freak - and you couldn't, for the life of you, imagine why. You've kept your head down your entire high school life, wanting nothing more than to fly under the radar but nothing about Eddie fit in; almost in spite of himself.

He jumps to the table, marching down it as his voice rises, "But as long as you're into band or science, or parties," Eddie has most people's attention now, his hands cupping his mouth as if his voice needs any amplifying, "or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!"

A look passed Robin's face, her shoulders sink as she turns to you, "Wait, what's wrong with band?"

"You want something, freak?" A booming voice comes from the table beside you. It's Jason, standing tall and glaring up at Eddie.

Raising your eyebrows, you watch as Eddie snaps his hands above his head, his tongue jutting out and his fingers imitating devil horns. When Jason looks taken aback, a slow grin grows upon Eddie's face. Almost as if Eddie can feel your eyes on him, he glances your way.

"Great," Robin murmurs, turning to face you. It makes Eddie smile, makes his ego grow a thousand times bigger - so you don't look away. You stare back at him.

"Or," he continues, tilting his head sideways, "if you're a total book worm with no social life!"

You raise your middle finger up at him, shooting a forced grin his way. He just smirks, turning on his heel and continuing his stupid speech to his stupid club. Lowering your eyes, a small sigh catches in your throat as you search the pages of your tattered, second-hand novel.

"So?" Robin asks, her face expectant and waiting.

You peer up at her, your face blank, "So?"

"What's wrong with band?" She repeats.

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