damn your lies

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The Wheeler house is covered in vines, some writhing, some frozen to their spot. In the air, dust particles float wherever you look. As Nancy opens the door, she surveys the familiar house. It's dark and decrepit, it sends a chill down her spine being so familiar yet totally different and out of place. You remember her house, though you had only gone over a few times - mainly with Barb when she was alive.

You enter behind Steve, who shines a flashlight around as he walks. Looking around, there's a faint smile on your face at the short-lived memories you have in this house. You and Nancy were once great friends; she's the reason you got to know Steve and remained friends with him despite drifting from Nancy when she began dating Jonathon.

"Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler," Robin quips, grunting to glance at her friend.

"Come on," Nance responds urgently, heading for the stairs, "I don't want to stay here longer than we have to."

You all follow her upstairs, but when Steve lingers back, you turn and look at him, "Steve?"

"Something..." He mumblers vacantly.

Frowning, you stand in front of the tall man, peering up into his eyes. "What's wrong? Are you feeling woozy again?"

Steve looks down at you, shaking his head for a second. But then he frowns again and narrows his eyes, "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" You shake your head, watching as he shines his flashlight around the Wheeler's dining room. "Are you sure you're... okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," he brushes you off, leaning his head towards the kitchen area, "I hear... Dustin?"

You stare at him, "Dustin?"


"Dustin Henderson?"

"Yes!" He exclaims loudly, his brown eyes largening as he looks around the room, "How can I hear that little shits voice? Dustin?" He shouts into the air, hearing the noise grow louder, spinning around frantically as he grins.


"Dustin?! Hello!" He shouts wildly. A rush of footsteps descend the stairs and you turn to the group, giving them a sympathetic look.

"What the hell is going on?" Eddie speaks up, seeing Steve in his entirely own, little world, "Y/N?"

"He, uh," you give them a shrug, "he says he hears Dustin... Henderson..."

"Maybe he really does have rabies," Robin suggests seriously, her eyes pinned onto Steve as he turns around and shouts.

"Steve? What are you doing?" Nancy questions loudly.

He jumps towards the group, accidentally shining the light on their faces, "Hello! He's here. Henderson," Steve smiles thankfully, walking up to the group, "That little shit, he's here. He's like... in the walls or something, just listen, listen," he turns, looking around with wide eyes as he puts a hand up to his ear.

A second later, your eyes widen at the warbled but familiar voice. You widen your eyes at Steve, a wide grin growing on your face, "Oh my god..."

"You hear it too?" Steve grins at you, shining the light on your face.

With wide eyes, you look around the room as you listen intently. "Yeah... Holy shit."

Eddie turns, giving Robin a sceptical look as you begin pacing the room and shouting. Steve smiles triumphantly, clearly hearing something that nobody else does, "Dustin! Dustin! Can you hear me?!"

"I hear him," Nancy breathes, pacing around before screaming out the kid's name, "Dustin!"

"Son of a bitch," Eddie remarks, giving you a smirk, "I can hear him. Henderson, where are you? We wanna go home. Now."

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