damn the dark

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The entire room is clouded with red as if you're seeing it all through a filtered camera lens. The blankets tied together are covered in dark blood, soaking the white down to its core. When you look down, you see it trickling onto your hands, itching each part of your skin that it touches. It almost burns. Jumping back, you can barely feel the ground beneath your feet.

"E-Eddie?" You call out, looking around the empty trailer. You're alone and, suddenly, you understand. "Robin, where are you? Robin? Steve?"

Something rings out, loud and booming from beside you. You don't want to turn around. You don't want to find the source of the loud chime. But your body feels as though it's moving on its own - or, more accurately, your brain can't keep up with your bodily instincts. When you turn to the sound, it rings again, louder this time, more defined. Closer.

A large, wooden grandfather clock, seeped in crimson.

"It's over."

The voice is low but so, so ungodly close. You spin around, the hairs on your arms raising at the empty sight. No one is here... but you know that isn't true.

You know that your body resides in Eddie's trailer in the Upside Down, surrounded by the people you love. Squeezing your eyes shut, all you can think about is the promise you made Eddie keep; and you pray to whoever is listening that he makes good on it, not allowing anyone to watch as you meet your demise.

"Open your eyes, I'm here..." Vecna muses from behind you.

"No, I... I had more time!" you turn frantically in the empty space. It's almost like someone's hit pause on this horror film. There are still dark particles hanging in the air and the vines that surround all his furniture are still there. It must be fun for him to watch you spin like a mouse in a suffocating cage, your heart pounding so face that it's about to give out. He must love this part the most, you think, taunting prey before he kills them. "It's only..." you swallow, wincing at the dryness of your throat, "it's only been a day."

"You don't get more time." Despite how much you so desperately want it.

Slowly, you angle your head upwards at the deep voice. The gate above you glows bright, stinging your dry eyes with its light. From beyond it, you can see a pair of eyes staring down at you. Wide and terrifying eyes, unfamiliar but recognisable. They're moving, raking themselves up and down you. The eyes watch you. Squinting, you peer further into the depths. It's... no, it's-


Eddie's eyes snap down to yours immediately. They're so wide that they look like they've grown two sizes than normal, the lines of his eyes stretched outwards. A sickening smile grows onto his demented face, "You don't deserve more time."

Steve watches you tense up, your hands going rigid by your side just as you're about to grab onto the blanket rope. He smiles softly, arms crossed over his shoulders. "You don't have to be scared," he tells you gently, "we're going home - finally."

"We made it. We're right behind you, Y/N," Nancy smiles at the back of your head, letting out a soft breath at Steve's kindness. He's different... changed from the person she had grown to know when they were in high school with each other. And, despite the apparent resentment at being a babysitter, she could see that Steve was a natural at taking care of people. His words even do a good job comforting her, even though they're meant for you.

Eddie, now standing on two steady feet, looks up at the ceiling. Home. He's finally made it back. It isn't the same as it used to be, forever tarred by the terrible things that occurred in his trailer, but at this moment, looking up at you from a distance, he thinks to himself: Well, it isn't all bad.
This was meant to be his year. '86. He's an accused murderer on the run from his witch-hunting town after discovering an alternate dimension. But it really isn't all bad. Because he got to know you.

Eddie gives you a smile, squinting up at the gate and seeing the top of your head by the rope. For a moment, he wonders if he should have stayed and waited for you to go before him. Maybe you'd be less afraid.

"Hey," he calls out, a hand cupped around his mouth, "I'm always here to catch you if you fall, sweetheart!"

Dustin glances at Eddie, his eyebrows raising at the smirk the metalhead proudly wears upon his lips. He'll have to drill you about that when you get down here.

A frown makes its way to Steve's features. Something isn't right. Placing a hand on your shoulder, Steve walks around to face you, "Hey, it's-"

Nancy watches him freeze, hands instantly gripping his shoulders. "Steve?"

He begins shaking you, leaning down to be eye-level with you, "Y/N!"

Hearing the shout, Eddie looks up into the gate. His skin runs cold, face falling along with his thundering heart, "What's going on up there?" He shouts. Nancy meets his eyes and her horrified expression does nothing to quell his sudden desperation. "Is she okay?!" He screams louder when Nancy doesn't respond, "Wheeler?!"

"It's happening," Nancy shouts back, looking into the depths of your white eyes, "he's-he's got her!"

Nancy's never seen someone under Vecna's curse before. The logical, rational side of her brain tells her to try and wake you up. Or to lay you on your side because you look like you're having a seizure. But she knows that isn't true. And any medical knowledge she has isn't applicable to this otherworldly scenario. The other part of her brain, terrified and shocked beyond all reason, tells her to run. But she can't do either.

She feels frozen, watching as Steve's stern resolve breaks down into pitiful pleas, "Can you hear me? Y/N!"

Eddie's mouth goes dry and the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. For a moment, he wonders if it's really happening. He can't believe it; he thought... he thought he'd have the luxury of more time - more knowledge - to formulate a plan - or... or something! More time to figure out how to truly save you, not prolong your life for a few days. You had... you had more time! Even Max had five days before Vecna tried to take her. God, Eddie feels like he's about to throw up or pass out, utterly breathless as he watches Steve steps away from you with a loud grunt, running a hand over his face.

"This can't be happening. This isn't happening," Robin mumbles into her palms, pacing the floor of his trailer.

Nancy consoles Steve, placing a hand on his shoulder. You're alone. You can't be alone for this. He needs to be by your side, even if it's hopeless. Eddie made a promise. He grips the blankets tighter.

"No, Eddie!" Dustin grabs his shoulder, trying to pull him backwards.

"Eddie!" Robin shouts too, tugging him back, "You-"

"The song! What's her song?!" Max screams at him, shoving her Walkman and headphones into Eddie's chest. Dustin watches as Eddie's face falls and he can feel his own palms beginning to sweat.

"The-The Chain, Fleetwood Mac. I don't- I don't have that on tape!" Eddie gives Henderson a hopeless look before staring down at the Walkman. He knows the device would be pointless. He really feels sick now. "Let me go!" Eddie shouts in distress, staring up at you, "Let me go! I need to be with her - I promised! I promised!"

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