you will never love me again

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You let out an involuntary gasp. Steve's eyes snap open and he lifts his head from Robin's embrace. Eddie, fingers stopping their movements against his guitar, unwraps the guitar from his body and throws it onto the couch. Peering down as your eyes open, you see him a few metres below you, staring up. His arms are stretched outwards as your body begins to descend slowly, before Vecna's hold is fully broken and you fall.

"Shit, shit!" Eddie shouts, bending his knees and reaching up for you. You come crashing into him, tumbling to the floor with his arms around you the entire time. "It's alright," Eddie announces over your erratic breathing, "you're back. You're back."

"N-No- Nanc-cy-" You're gasping for breath, panting like a wild animal and Eddie wraps his arms around your frame to stop you shaking. He's saying something to you but you can't hear it, you can only feel the vibrations of his chest and your own body shaking with every sob you let out. "Where's... Nance?"

"I-I'm here," she whimpers, sitting by the old recliner, Steve pressing a cold towel to her forehead. You let out a breath, your chest beginning to slow as you rest your head against Eddies chest. The sigh turns into a broken sob and you cover your face with your hands as you begin to cry, utterly exhausted and overwhelmed.

"I got you, I got you," Eddie presses his lips to the back of your shoulder, "it's okay, let it out. You're alright, sweetheart. It's okay." Reaching a hand out for Eddie, you notice your fingers are trembling when his warm palm clasps onto your hand. He leans down, pressing his lips to the back of your hand, "Hi."

You smile lazily at him, running your hands under your eyes to collect the stray tears there, "H-Hi."

Someone places a hand on your shoulder and you turn to see Robin, smiling down at you with tears in her eyes. You squeeze your eyes shut, letting out a whimper as you try to find steady breathing. You grip Robin's arm too, letting your head sink with relief, "I-I'm okay."

"You better be," Steve announces, looking down at you with his arms crossed. His tone is frustrated but the expression he wears is loving, "You scared the shit out of me, Y/L/N."

"You're back now though. Jesus,! I nearly really did poop my pants just now - I m-mean, 'scared the shit out of me'? Y-Yeah, Y/N, you nearly did," Robin shakes her head through the tears in her pretty, blue eyes. She looks up at Steve, "But it worked. He did it - it worked! Dustin, it worked!"

A few childlike cheers are heard from the ceiling and you hum out an appreciative laugh. Throwing your head back against Eddies shoulder, you try not to cry again. You don't think you've ever been that scared. Eddie looks down at you, hearing your breath beginning to slow, and he squeezes your hand tenderly. His expression softens into a relieved, fond gaze, "Yeah, you made it back."

"I-I heard you... I heard you playing," you rasp out, your voice weak and dazed. Tugging on his hand, you whimper as you sit up straighter, so he's facing you side on.

A smile grows on his face and his shoulders slump as he lets out a sigh of utter relief, plumping himself down onto the ground. "Your favourite song," he notes, his thumb tapping against the back of your hand.

"You... remembered," you pant slightly, your cheeks inexplicably warm. You feel so close to him that, when he smiles, all you can see are his pretty pink lips and his cute dimples.

He nods kindly, eyebrows pinched together as he smiles desperately. "Of course, I remember," he laughs through blurry eyes, his gaze drifting to your lips, "I remember everything you tell me about yourself."

You move, trying to face him straight on, "E-Eddie, I-"

"Easy, easy," Eddie chuckles, pressing his hand against your back to help you sit up, "I got you."

Your body feels exhausted - as if you've just run a marathon in the blazing heat of summer. There's barely any energy left within yourself. You look up at him and the sight makes you pause. His eyes narrow on you, holding such concern and relief. When Eddie meets your gaze, you notice his expression drop before he's giving you a tender look, someways short of a grin. You let out a bashful laugh, jumping forward to wrap your arms around his neck. You shut your eyes as you rest your head upon his chest, just at the beginning of his collar bones, holding him tightly.

Eddie, initially shocked, tenses up and looks down at your body encompassing his. He nearly melts. Your touch is so soft and tender, so caring and lovely. He can't remember the last time he was held like this; with that utmost feeling of need. Eddie holds you too, trying with all his strength to convey the same message; he needs you too.

He has a hand on your lower back, the other rests on your wet cheek. You're so thankful that you don't know what to do with the feeling. It brings tears to your eyes and you squeeze them shut, "Thank you. Thank you."

"Oh, Y/N, it's... it's okay. I've got you, it's alright," he whispers, his lips beside your ear. The softness in his voice turns you to jelly, and you begin to cry, your body shaking as you whimper. He runs his hands up and down your back gently, "It's okay. I've got you. I'm not going anywhere. You're safe, I promise."

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