down comes the night

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Dustin runs through the branches so quickly that you're almost lost as you run beside Eddie. "Dustin," he exclaims in frustration, "can you slow down?"

"Dude, ease up," you shout at the leader, watching as he stares at his compass for a split second before charging off again, "Jesus Christ!"

"I think we're getting close," Dustin grins, looking back to you. Suddenly, Eddie pulls him back from falling right into Lovers Lake.

"Watch your step, big guy." He gives him a pat on the shoulder, looking out into the wide, dark water. The sight of it sends a chill over your body. The memories of last night, the terror, the anticipation, the sight of Patrick.

"Great," you mumble, "here again."

"Oh, man," Steve stands beside you, looking out at the view, "you gotta be shitting me."

"Yeah," Eddie sighs in agreement, "I thought these woods looked familiar."

"Lovers Lake," Robin announces, watching the grey fog hover above the quiet water.

"This is... confounding," Dustin grips the compass in his hand.

"There's a gate in Lovers Lake?" Max wonders, looking at Nancy.

"Whenever the Demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening..." She thinks it over, her eyes darting around the water before turning to Dustin, "Maybe Vecna's the same way."

"Patrick," you nod.

Steve doesn't look impressed, "Yeah, only one way to find out."

Eddie rips the tarp from the boat, staring down at it with terrible, frightening memories. But there are some good ones. You and him, underneath it - scared for your lives, of course - but you had each other and that made it less frightening. He and Steve set it into the water, quietly bickering as you all watch. Robin, placing her hands on both the boy's heads, used them as leverage to get on the boat. Next, it's Nancy, and Eddie reaches an arm out towards her. "Wheeler," he smiles.

"Thank you," she mutters, holding onto his arm to make her way opposite Robin. Eddie's eyes meet yours and for some reason, they're a little more serious now. Taking a step towards the boat, Eddie holds his hand out towards you. You take it, your hand encompassed by the warmth of his. When you step onto the boat, Steve knocks into it by accident and the whole thing shakes. Eddie's left hand grips yours while his other jumps to your hip, steadying you as you step your other foot into the boat.

"Shit, sorry!" Steve exclaims absentmindedly, setting an oar down in the boat and turning to Dustin, "Move your stuff, dude, come on."

You look back at Eddie, still feeling his arm gently gracing your hip. "You can let go of me now," you whisper to him, gazing into his vacant eyes. He snaps back to life, ripping his hands off of you as if he has been burnt. Lucas locks eyes with Dustin, who shoots him a look. As you sit down, Dustin goes climbing onto the boat.

Eddie pushes him back by the hat on his head, "Hey, hey, hey, you trying to sink us? This thing holds four people, tops. Okay?"

He turns to you, sitting down on the floor of the boat in front of your legs. Nancy walks up to Dustin and Steve, "It's better this way, okay? You guys stay here with Max. Y/N can come with us."

You give Dustin a reassuring smile, "Stick together, alright? Keep an eye out for trouble."

"You keep an eye out!" He frowns, eyes blown wide, "It's my goddamn theory! You're the one in trouble!"

"You heard Nance," Robin calls out, sitting in the boat patiently.

"Who made her in charge?" Dustin scowls.

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