never break the chain

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Shivering as you lean against the large rock, you can't help but listen to the steady chattering of your teeth.

"You're really p-pissing me off with that n-n-noise," Eddie bites at his fingernails, pacing back and forth at the entrance of Skull Rock. You've left the lake, walking in drenched clothes deep into the dark forest and away from the line of houses near Ricks.

"I'm f-fucking freezing to d-death here," you stutter back, shooting him a pained glare, "sorry if that annoys you."

Eddie bites his bottom lip, sitting down beside you. He pulls his denim vest off, tossing it aside and it squelches to the floor. Then, he puts his leather jacket aside and places his hands on your coat. "No, no," you whimper, hugging yourself tighter.

"You won't d-dry fast enough," his teeth begin to chatter now, causing him to stutter, "you'll be colder f-for longer. Trust me."

You let out a sigh, hating that you can see it floating in the cold fucking air. Removing your arms from around your legs, you wince when Eddie takes your jacket from you, flattening it down on a patch of dry grass. He watches as you try to make yourself as small as possible, wrapping your arms around your legs and leaning your head on your knees.

"C-Come here," Eddie says. You turn to look at him, head still placed upon your knees. His wet Hellfire shirt clings to him and his hair has begun to dry in random places. He's sitting with his legs splayed out, leaning back on one of his arms. The other is stretching towards you, inviting you to try and take whatever heat his body can give to you right now. "Fine, it's either that or freeze. Whatever. See w-what happens when I t-try to be nice to you?"

"Stop whining," you tell him, shuffling towards him and leaning against his side, still curled up into a ball.

His arms wrap around your shaking frame and when you let out a few whimpers, he looks down at you. "You had an out," Eddie tells you, "you should've taken it."


"You're so stubborn," he notes in frustration, "and not as smart as I thought you were."

"I'm-m too cold and sad to fight with you."

"I'm... I'm not fighting," Eddie stutters, noticing how you've stopped trembling as much, "shit, I guess I am whining, huh?"

"Y-Yeah," you hum out a little laugh but there's no weight behind it, no real joy.

"I'm sorry," Eddie whispers, squeezing your shoulder for a moment.

"Why do you keep saying that to me?" You mumble into his chest, feeling the warmth from beyond his wet shirt begin to seep through.

"Everything bad that's happened to you in the last three days is my fault," he mutters sadly, looking out into the dark woods. It isn't safe here, you both know it. But at the moment, it kind of feels like nowhere is safe. You pull away slightly and Eddie loosens his grip in case you've suddenly come to the realisation that, though you may be 'good luck', he is far from it. But you don't do that at all.

"You can't keep blaming yourself for things you can't control," you look up at him, your face and voice serious as ever. It makes him wonder why he ever thought you were serious because he's never seen you this solemn. "Did you kill those people?"

"You know I didn't," he lets out an exasperated breath.

"Then say it," you challenge him, staring up expectantly.

"I didn't..." he swallows the lump in his throat, noticing how your lips look less blue and your hair looks dryer, "I didn't kill Patrick or Chrissy."

You give him a nod, scanning his eyes for nothing in particular, "And neither did I. So stop acting like you deserve to be here and I don't."

"You still think we're gonna be fine?" Eddie wonders, staring up at the gaps in the sky above him. He can see stars glinting through, lighting up the dark navy with their brightness.

You lean in closer to him, pressing your head against his heart, "I'd like to think so."

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