run in the shadows

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As you stare into the water, you feel like you're being watched. Looking up at Eddie and his brown, unwavering eyes, your face falls, "Stop staring at me."

"I'm waiting for you to buzz out again," Eddie raises a hand, biting the nail on his thumb.

"How are we going, Wheeler?" Robin wonders, watching the waters closely. You turn to the girls.

"Closing in on a minute," she answers surely. You let out a breath, your foot tapping against the boat nervously. Eddie sits opposite you, taking Steve's seat. His eyes are filled with concern.

"Come on, Steve," you mumble to no one in particular. A splash comes from the water and you gasp in shock, "Holy shit!"

"Jesus Christ!" Eddie screams, looking down at Steve emerging from the lake beside you.

"What happened? You okay?" You frown at him, seeing him shiver from the cold.

He nods, swimming to the edge of the boat and placing a hand on it, "I found it."

"Holy shit..." Eddie mumbles, giving the boy a pouting nod of appreciation.

"Dustin, you are a goddamn Einstein!" Robin smiles into the walkie, "Steve found the gate."

"It's pretty wild," Steve admits, grinning up at the group and slightly breathless, "it's more of a snack-size gate than the mama gate but still, it's pretty damn big."

The water around him splashes and for a moment, Steve is tugged down. He sinks lower into the water before rising up once more, and you stare at him in disbelief and shock. Standing, you lean to tug his hand off of the boat to pull slightly, "Get him up, quick-"

He looks up at you for a moment, clasping your hand but something tugs him under with such force that it sends you splashing into the water too. Steve, in his initial terror, grips your hand. Your chest burns as you hold what little breath you have in your lungs. He's flailing around as you both cut through the water, lower and lower. Meeting his gaze, Steve's eyes are wide and he searches yours. Giving you a small nod and a forced smile, Steve lets go of your hand and you let out a wince. You begin to float upward, while he's dragged down into the glowing red water.

Swinging your arms around, you kick your legs as fast as you can. When you look up, you're closer to the surface than before. Breaking through the water, you suck in as much air as you possibly can manage. Your friends scream, their shrill voices spinning around inside your head. You cough and sputter, panting like a maniac as Eddie and Robin reach their arms out towards you.

You look up at them, your lips and nose cold as ever, "It got- it got him."

Eddie leans down, reaching for your hands and Robin holds onto his arm as he pulls you towards the boat. You reach up, hoisting yourself over before tumbling to the floor. You let out a cough, feeling Robin's hands patting your back tenderly. Nancy rises to her feet, peering over the edge as she takes her shoes off.

"Wait, w-wait! You're not going in there, are you?" Eddie exclaims, giving her a frightened expression. Nancy barely gives him a look before she's about to dive in, "Just-"

"Wait here," is all Nancy says before sucking in a deep breath and diving into the water.

"Nancy!" You shout, watching her splash into the water and disappear.

When you meet Robin's eyes, you give her a nod and rise to your feet. She sits on the edge of the boat, about to hold her nose. You look down into the water, slipping your jacket off and tossing it into the boat. Eddie's eyes are wide and he frowns at you, shaking his head wildly, "No, no, no! Are you serious?"

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