you will never love me again

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"Have you ever been fishing?" You wonder, peering up from the couch inside Reefer Rick's place. Eddie shoots you a look from his position on the couch opposite. "What?" You narrow your eyes at him, "It's a question."

"Why are you asking me questions?" He asks, bringing the can of beer to his lips and taking a sip.

"I don't know, to pass time?" You give him a dramatic shrug, shifting on the couch to lean your head off the side as you look at him, "Geez."


"Oh, whatever," you frown in frustration, snapping up and sitting cross-legged, "No, you're right. Let's just sit in silence." You stare at him, deadset on proving a point.

He looks up from his pot of spaghetti-o's, chewing awkwardly. You raise an eyebrow. "Wh-"

"Shut up," you cut him off, "we're sitting in silence."

You take a long sip of your own can before grabbing a packet of crisps from the table. Popping some into your mouth, you just glare at him.

"You're kind of immature-"

"Shh," you frown, tilting your head at him before finishing off your drink, "Utter silence."

"Fine! Jesus Christ!" He whines, setting the pot down on the table and reaching for his beer again, "No, I have never been fishing," he butchers the last word with a comical voice.

"Yeah, me neither," you shrug honestly.

Eddie looks at you, eyes full of judgement and irritation, "Good talk."

"Does your uncle fish?" You wonder.

"No," Eddie responds plainly.

"Right," you just nod, letting out a sigh as you look around the house. It's driving you insane, not having a single thing to do. God, you want to go home so bad. You drink more.

Eddie watches you and, noticing your deflated spirit, thinks of something to say, "No, but he, uh, he used to play basketball. I think. When he was young."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. He was on a team with my dad, actually," Eddie nods sheepishly.

"Were they any good?" You ask him, watching as he gives you a tender shrug.


"Where's your dad now?" You wonder innocently, chewing, "Does he live outside of Hawkins or...?"

"I don't... uh," Eddie admits to you, his eyes flicking between yours, "my uncle doesn't talk about him or my mom so, at some point, I just stopped asking. What about your folks?"

You wrinkle your nose, "Next question."

"We're allowed to pass on questions?" Eddie raises an eyebrow at you, "Didn't know that was a rule."

You brush off his expectant smile, staring up at the ceiling as you lay down again, "My mom is a nurse, mainly night shift but always busy either way."

"And dear old dad?"

"Oh, he died when I was a kid, so..." You shrug. Eddie goes quiet and you glance at him. "Favourite colour?"

"Black," he answers easily, "favourite musician?"

You let out a hum, peering up at him through your lashes, "Is there meant to be a right answer to this? I don't wanna be bullied by a metalhead."

Eddie scoffs, rolling his eyes as he stretches out on the couch and lays down. He faces you with his arms crossed, "You think I'm expecting an answer like Megadeth?"

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