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It's nighttime now, you had driven all afternoon. The Winnebago was pretty much quiet, except for the quiet music on the radio and the sound of the engine as Steve drove. You sigh, recalling how Eddie had clung to your hand, giving you a hopeful smile. You had pressed a kiss to his cheek and he pulled back, stunned and dumbfounded before he broke out into a smile. Now, you sit beside him and Dustin, watching as Nancy lets out a sigh.

"Okay, I want to run through it one more time," she announces, standing before the group with a determined expression on her face, "Phase one."

"We meet Erica at the playground," Robin responds calmly, her eyes giving Nancy an empathetic look. It's obvious to everyone that this means a lot to Nancy, and she's incredibly nervous about the entire plan. "She'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready," Robin finishes.

Nancy nods at her before looking up at the group, "Phase two."

"Max baits Vecna," Steve announces warily, hands on his hip like a mom - though you share his genuine concern, "he'll go after her which will put him in his trance."

"Phase three," Nancy looks to you.

"Distraction," you respond. Eddie rests a hand against the cabinet, leaning against it and glances at you, "Us three will draw the bats away."

He gives you a cocky smirk, nodding. "Piece of cake," Dustin adds. Munson reaches a hand out to scruff Dustin's hat up lovingly. You smile at the pair for a moment before turning back to Nancy.

Nancy just nods, "Four."

"We head into Vecnas, hopefully, newly bat-free lair, and..." Robin shakes the Molotov cocktail around, "flambé."

"Nobody moves onto the next phase until we've all copied," Nancy orders sternly, looking around at the group, "nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?"

"Got it," you nod, hearing the same response from the group. Picking up the spear Eddie had made you earlier today, you lock eyes with him, "Let's do this."

He nods at you, picking his own weapons up and following you outside the Winnebago. The night is dark and cold, you suck in a breath as you walk behind Dustin. You all run towards Eddie's trailer, and, luckily, the park is pretty much abandoned this late at night.

Steve walks in, giving the gate a determined look as he swings his backpack off. Dustin bites the corner of his lip when he looks up at the Harrington boy, "Be careful."

Steve flashes the kid a glance, tapping his shoulder, "Thanks, buddy... Here goes nothing."

You watch with furrowed brows as he lifts himself up, grunting quietly. When he drops down, landing on his feet, Steve peers back up into the gate. He gives Nancy the group a cocky shrug before he heads off and Robin frowns, "What does he want us to do, applaud?"

"Probably," you muse with a nod, watching as Steve hauls the mattress underneath the gate, "Okay, who's next?"

Nancy removes her gear, reaching up to begin her climb. She makes it to the other side. So does her backpack filled with weapons.

You look at Eddie, giving him a tender smile, "Your turn, jukebox hero."

"You sure you don't wanna go, Agatha Christie?" He raises his eyebrows at you.

You shove your palm against his chest, scoffing, "Get up there - acting like you haven't literally read the Hobbit."

Eddie just scoffs lightly, reaching up towards the rope. He climbs up, letting go and landing on his back against the mattress. Then it's Robin, her stuff, then Dustin, his weapons, then it's your turn. You huff when your back hits the mattress, screwing your eyes closed at the stiffness in it before clasping Eddies outstretched hand. everyone's on the other side, putting their gear back on; weapons, armour, necessities.

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