Chapter 1 back to school

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Tara woke abruptly to the sound of Mindy bursting through her door.
"Girl what are you still doing asleep it's the first day of school" Mindy said.
"What even is the time" Tara responds as she rubs her eyes.
"Well it's actually 6:08am" Mindy says.
"What the fuck Mindy we don't normally leave until 7:15am" Tara said in a somewhat laughing but in an annoyed tone. Mindy and Tara always go to school together from Mondays to Wednesdays. "I thought Wes was taking me today anyways" Tara said looking at Mindy.
Mindy turns to Tara and completely ignores what she said "What do you actually even see in him? Amber clearly wants you Tara, she would treat you so much better" Mindy asked, Mindy can see Amber wants Tara and she wants them to be together. Mindy isn't dumb, she knows Tara feels something for Amber.
Tara Blushes as she puts her hoodie on so Mindy didn't see. "Mindy I don't think she likes me like that and I don't like her....." Tara says •I don't think I like her.... even if I did it wouldn't work• Tara thinks to herself.
"Whatever I see it" Mindy chuckles.

Tara picks up her phone to message Wes, only to see he had messaged her 3 minutes ago

Text from Wes <3
Wes - good morning babe I'll be there at 7:15am on the dot x

Tara looks at it and shows Mindy the screen
"Why did he feel the need to say on the dot" Mindy laughed and grabbed the phone to message him back.

Text to Wes
Tara - Hey dipshit it's Mindy I'm with Tara now so I'm taking her to school"
Mindy was just about to give the phone back to Tara when •A notification pops up on Tara's phone•
It was from Amber, Mindy glances at the phone then back up to Tara with a smirk and reads in a mocking tone
"Good morning pretty girl excited to see you today xoxo" It was from Amber. Tara snatched the phone off Mindy going bright red, Mindy saw how red Tara got.
"Dayum next time I send you a good morning text I'll make it cute and flirty too" Mindy says laughing at Tara.
"Shut up Mindy, best friends send messages to each other like that all the time" Tara said. "Mhmm hmm" Mindy says.

Time skip (Tara completely forgot to respond to Amber)

Tara and Mindy were the last to get to the group meet up table at school (where they also have lunch during break)
Tara got out the car to see in the whole group sitting there. Wes saw Mindy and Tara get out the car, he pointed them out to the group. He ran over to Tara giving her a peck on the lips "hey pretty girl" Mindy overheard that and laughed. Wes looked over at her and asked "Uhh what" he was confused.
Mindy looked at him and goes "you're not the first person to call her pretty girl today"
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" He clenched his jaw looking at Tara.
"Nothing nothing she's just trying to stir the pot" Tara says, grabbing his hand walking over to the group. Mindy was already there.
"Hey guys" she says with a huge smile on her face, she looks over at Amber "Amber"
Amber looked up and gave a slight smile, "hi" she said to Tara, Amber was confused to why Tara didn't respond to her good morning message so it made her a little uneasy.

The group felt this weird tension in the air so Chad spoke up and tries to make conversation "turns out I've only got 1 class with Liv, how sad"
"Awe babe we'll see each other through breaks" Liv responds giving him a peck on the cheek. The bell rang to go to home room. Wes had a very quick make out right in front of Amber to try prove to Amber Tara wants him.
Tara pulls back and says "you walk ahead I'm gonna walk with Amber.
Amber looks at Wes, tilts her head and raises one eyebrow.
He walks ahead with the group.
"Amber what's wrong" Tara asked
"You tell me, you ignored my message this morning so I just assumed you didn't want to talk" Amber responds.
Tara looks confused "oh fuck I'm sorry, I thought I did" she says.
Amber says "it's whatever" she speeds up catching up to the group.
"Amber wait" Tara begins to speed walk to catch up to her as she runs into this random girl knocking over her books. "Oh Jesus Christ I'm sorry I didn't see you there" Tara says. Amber heard the commotion and turns around to see the new girl and Tara staring into each other's eyes.
"It's oka...." The new girl starts to respond only to stop when her eyes meet Tara's.
"I'm Jenny" she said.
"Oh cool I'm Tara, sorry about that" Tara gets up and begins to continue walking to home room.
Amber didn't like the way this new girl was looking at Tara walk off.
Tara sat down in home room to see a text from Amber.

Amber💌 - Oi. Who was that, what happened and why was she looking at you like that.

Tara - I don't know, ran into her trying to catch up to you. Her names Jenny. What's it to you?

Amber 💌 - nothing just curious. Seemed youse had a moment. Not that I care lol.

Tara - Oh god she's in my home room class. And of course she's walking right towards me.
                                                               Read 3 mins ago

Amber didn't like the thought of that, she slammed her phone face down on the table causing her phone screen to crack a bit. •god damn it I have Wes to already worry about now this bitch• Amber thought to herself.

Tara wondered why she didn't respond.
"Hello! This seat taken" Jenny asked already sitting down before Tara could respond. 
"I'd love to be friends, show me around the school at lunch?" Jenny asked to break the silence.
"Uhh I mean I already have plans for lunch sorry" Tara responded. The bell rang for first class. Tara and Jenny had the first class together too. Science class. So they began walking to the lab only to have to walk by Amber. Amber saw Jenny and Tara walking towards her so she leans against her locker with one foot on the door. Tara loved when Amber would be in that position she thought it was attractive so she decides to go up to Amber. Jenny following. "Hey Amber, this is Jenny" Tara says.
"Hi hi" Jenny says.
Amber scoffs and pushes past Tara, nudging her shoulder.
"Uhmm I don't know what that was about sorry, lets get to class!" Tara says looking at Amber walk off.

Text to Amber
Tara - what the fuck was that about Amber?
                                                            Seen 5 minutes ago

Tara had no idea what Ambers problem was. But she decided to focus on making this new friend and on the class.
"I'll talk to her at lunch" Tara thought to herself.

Okay chapter 1 is complete. Make sure to give me some feed back if you're enjoying this story and be sure to leave some ideas in the comments. I hope you have a great day!

Lemme know what you'd like to see in future chapters. I plan on making this a long story :) it's only the beginning.

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