Chapter 6 Heartbreak (part 2 party)

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The group just stared at Wes who was getting more annoyed by the second. The thought of Amber even touching Tara made him mad.

"Wes nothing happened between Amber and I. Even if it did it wouldn't have anything to do with you" Tara said to Wes.
Jenny had just come back up from the basement.
"Jenny were they doing anything sexual down there" Wes demanded to know.
Tara quickly looked at Jenny with puppy dog eyes and slightly shaking her head trying to tell Jenny to say no but without actually saying it.
"They..... no they weren't not that I could see" Jenny said.
Tara then looked at Amber who was clenching her jaw and then stormed off. Wes was annoyed so he went out to the backyard to hang out with his other friends.

"What the fuck, why can't I ever be happy with Tara. She puts other people first not thinking how it makes me feel" Amber thought to herself.
Amber grabbed another drink pushing through the crowd of people. Tara and Jenny then went upstairs to the bathroom because Jenny had asked Tara to.
Amber saw them head upstairs and decided to follow them. Mindy and Liv both saw but they were too drunk to try and stop her. Luckily Ambers room just happened to be right next to the bathroom so she could listen.

"Thank you for not saying anything seriously" Tara said as Jenny shut the door.
"It's fine. Why don't you want them to know though?" Jenny asked. Tara sighed and looked down "I don't know I think I have feelings Amber but my brain is all over the place so I don't want to lead her on if it comes down to the fact I don't like her" Tara responded.
"Hey it's okay to feel that way, I know we haven't known each other for long but I really like you and I want you to give me a chance. I do apologise for how I acted in the basement. Just didn't enjoy seeing that" Jenny said. Tara was drunk and got closer to Jenny "awe really" Tara said. Not knowing Amber could hear all of this.

"This is fucked. She's fucking with my feelings" Ambers thoughts

"I do want to be with her but it's all confusing" Tara said to Jenny.
"Just... just give me a chance" Jenny whispered. Amber stopped hearing their voices so she decided to walk in. She instantly regretted that. She walked in to see the end of a kiss. Jenny had kissed Tara without her permission. But that's not what Amber saw. Amber slammed the door and walked downstairs with tears in her eyes. "What the fuck" Tara said. Jenny apologised and started tearing up.

"Hey hey hey what's wrong" Mindy said, she's never seen Amber this upset.
"Do not worry about me I'm going to get fucked up" Amber said. She grabbed a vodka bottle and started chugging it straight. Tara ran down the stairs.
"Amber I promise you it's not what it looked like I fucking promise you" Tara said freaking out.
All Amber said was "leave me alone" then turned away.

^^^ Amber walking down the stairs

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^^^ Amber walking down the stairs.

"Just let her cool off" Mindy said to Tara.
"What the fuck happened up there" Liv asked. Tara was hesitant but she ended up telling them.
"Fucking Jenny was talking to me and then the next thing I know is she's kissing me and I pulled back and Amber walked in so it looks like I was into it when I'm not. I'm fucking into her. I fucking love Amber" Tara said. And the truth came out.
"And finally...... truth spills" Mindy said. "These things work themselves out just give Amber time" Mindy added.

30 minutes later

Mindy, Chad, Liv and Tara were in the kitchen while Wes was in the backyard, Jenny was just sitting in a corner. They could smell weed🍁 so Mindy, Liv, Chad and Tara decided to go check in the living room to see Amber sitting with a random guy and girl smoking a joint. They were all shocked as they have never seen Amber do this. But it showed how hurt Amber really was that she turned to that. Amber looked at the group and said "what"
Mindy said "well fuck can I have some" she sat down to join in. Amber stood up with a joint in her hand taking a hit. She walked right up to Tara's face almost touching lips Amber tilted her head said "listen to the chorus of this next song." As she clicked next on the playlist on her phone that was connected to the speakers.

guilty conscience by 070 shake begun to play

Amber then backed away from Tara to lean against the wall directly across from her while she took another hit watching Tara

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Amber then backed away from Tara to lean against the wall directly across from her while she took another hit watching Tara. They just made eye contact. Tara found Amber so hot when she was in that position against the wall. The chorus then came on and Tara paid close attention to the lyrics thinking it was going to be something cute.

"Five AM when I walked in
Could not believe what I saw, yeah
You on another one's body"  —- lyrics.

Tara listened to the words and felt extremely guilty for making Amber feel this way. She has hurt Amber.

As this part played Amber raised one foot against the wall so she was standing on one leg, tilted her head and raised her eyebrows taking a hit of her joint then slowly blowing the smoke out. Now Tara found this so so so so so so hot and it killed her that she couldn't just go over to Amber smashing her lips onto hers, she now wishes Amber was hers and she knew for sure that Amber is the person she wants.

Amber felt like she could somewhat relate to them lyrics because of what she had seen in her bathroom.
Tara put her head down then decided to sit on the couch.

40 minutes later

Everyone was slowly starting to leave the party. Tara, Chad, Wes, Mindy, Liv and Jenny had planned to stay there the night. Amber stood up and told everyone she was going to her room.
Tara watched as Amber made her way up the stairs and thought about following her to talk.
Tara looked over at Mindy and Liv.
"Should I...?" Tara mouthed to them both then looking at the direction of the stairs.
Mindy gave Tara a thumbs up and nodded her head.
"Where are you going" Jenny asked. Tara ignored her. Tara hasn't said a word to Jenny since the bathroom incident.

Tara slightly knocked on Ambers door.
"What" Amber said as she was getting changed in her room.
"It's... it's me can I please talk to you." Tara said in a calming voice. There was a pause.
On the other side Amber took a deep breath and decided to let Tara in.
"If you're here to break my heart again please just leave me alone" Amber said while her voice was cracking, trying not to cry.
"I need you to know something. Tara said pausing.

The girls sat down on Ambers bed to finally have the conversation Amber has been waiting for.

2 chapters on the same day?! What?  I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please leave feed back and suggestions! More chapters to comes😍

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